mick cooper
Neil Sullivan
Tread very carefully
I looked this up on IMDB and cant find it, when was it released
is it scifi?
Tread very carefully
Question for those with 3D TVs at home
Is the effect that good with the latest large screen LCDs?
Or do you need an enormous projector like in cinemas
I have a 3D TV, its so good that one of the characters in a film I was watching went into my bathroom and had a brick.
Now thats realistic!
Does it work for porn though?
I imagine porn would be life like
the cum shots![]()
Glad you liked it Marky.
It blew me away.
First time I've watched a 3D movie.
It really has taken the cinema to a new level.
finally. finally managed to watch Into the Wild. spectacular cinematography. wonderfully poignant film floating on a haunting soundtrack. really enjoyed it.
finally. finally managed to watch Into the Wild. spectacular cinematography. wonderfully poignant film floating on a haunting soundtrack. really enjoyed it.
Probably my favourite film ever. Certainly one of them. It helps that I watched it for the first time about a month before I was going travelling by myself for 6 months.
Great movie, one of my favourites with a soundtrack to match if you're Pearl Jam fan
First off, when the masters like Scorcese and Ridley Scott step into 3D, you know it's going to be special...secondly, Ridley has great respect for HR Giger, a brilliant artist who I've had the pleasure of spending an afternoon with at his home just outside Zurich 20 years ago, and who told me unequivocally that he was fudged over after the first Alien, thus with Ridley back at the helm, Giger's aesthetics have been treated properly, and he has been shown respect (and some coin again I'm guessing)...
I thought it was excellent. Scott is right, it isn't a "prequel" and to me, there's something said in there which makes it quite clear that this could actually had been happening at exactly the same time as the first ALIEN plot was going down...same "agents', different galaxies sort of thing...
I WILL be going again...
did any hot underage chicks in a campsite want to ride your pole? O![]()
No, but a mediocre 17-year-old girl in a hotel did :lol:
I was never a fan of Pearl Jam (not that I don't like them; I've just never really listened to them), but the soundtrack is beautiful. Captures the film, and the feel of travelling, perfectly for me. There's something about it that's very... I don't know what the word is really ... transcendental?
Also loses points for being ANOTHER exploitative episode in a franchise film. Yeah the Godfather got away with it and parts one and two of Alien, but not too many others.
Weren't they intended to be a trilogy originally, though?Star Wars