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*** Official Film Thread ***

The Prestige is a fantastic film!

Best thing about Jaws 3 is the dodgy 3D effects, they didn't change them for the TV/home release version of the film so you see some right dodgy crap where it was 3D in the theaters! absolute hilarity!

Home Alone 3 is rubbish, 1&2 are so good, great Xmas movies.

great xmas movies! its June! LOL @ film4.
Another boring script milked to death - pretty boy hero dodges bullets for 2 hours and goes on to fudge up the whole world with one hand tied behind his back. What more could they possibly add to what was originally 1 book (i.e. 1 movie) which was stretched into a classic money-making qunting 'trilogy'?

There are 10 Bourne books, 3 by Robert Ludlum and 7 by Eric Van Lustbader. The Lustbader novels were written after the first movie though so they were the cash in.
Another boring script milked to death - pretty boy hero dodges bullets for 2 hours and goes on to fudge up the whole world with one hand tied behind his back. What more could they possibly add to what was originally 1 book (i.e. 1 movie) which was stretched into a classic money-making qunting 'trilogy'?

It might not be your thing, but I wouldnt say it was boring. I enjoyed all three movies, and look forward to this one. At the very least its a decent action movie, certainly enjoyable, and at most a good conspiracy movie
prometheus 3d is incredible. its a shame only avatar and this have made 3d worth the effort ( and Up of course but CGI dosnt count ). No chance of an imax ticket, sold out until infinity.

been ill all jubilee wekeend, watched alot of films at home and at the cinema. Bobby Fischer V The World, Jaws 3, Terminator, Rat Race, Prometheus, Moonrise Kingdom (awesome!) and home alone 3 last night. awful.

Where you based mate people seem to forget about swiss cottage IMAX -i got tickets for last nights 10-30 performance on monday - Amazing visuals ! and i really liked the film - sure there are plot holes but i have been thinking about it all day so provoked more than the normal dross !
prometheus 3d is incredible. its a shame only avatar and this have made 3d worth the effort ( and Up of course but CGI dosnt count ). No chance of an imax ticket, sold out until infinity.

been ill all jubilee wekeend, watched alot of films at home and at the cinema. Bobby Fischer V The World, Jaws 3, Terminator, Rat Race, Prometheus, Moonrise Kingdom (awesome!) and home alone 3 last night. awful.

Cool to know, you are lucky, there is no release for it here in Dorset except one showing today at lunchtime in Poole, it's been getting good secondary figures though, so hopefully it will get a bigger release and I can watch it at the weekend.
Aaah, The Prestige :)

Remember a massive debate on here back in the day about the movie being the actual 'prestige'

now that was a proper movie debate

im actually coming round to your theory, well im more open to it than i was at the time
Prestige was very good but Illusionist was sensational. So all you suckers such my ****. Grrrrrr
now that was a proper movie debate

im actually coming round to your theory, well im more open to it than i was at the time

Cant remember some of it actually anymore!

Was it the suggestion of Angier's trip to the States being a dream/not real?
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Cant remember some of it actially anymore!

Was it the suggestion of Angier's trip to the States being a dream/not real?

something like that - think you was saying that the machine wasn't 'real' and that Angier had been using a double the whole time, the scenes with Tesla were a misdirection via his Journal

gonna have to watch it again, caught a bit on tv last night but not all
Came in here to talk about Prestige and see it's already being discussed. Watched it again last night, still one of my favourite films of all time.
something like that - think you was saying that the machine wasn't 'real' and that Angier had been using a double the whole time, the scenes with Tesla were a misdirection via his Journal

gonna have to watch it again, caught a bit on tv last night but not all

Yes - that was it! Another theory was that Tesla did make the machine (which obviously wasn't real) and planted all those hats to convince Angier and take his pesso (remember - there is no such thing as 'real' magic so Tesla had to pull it off very well - con the con). When Angier got back and realised he was conned - his pride couldn't allow him to accept defeat so he started using a double.
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Here is an alternative explanation of the movie without the duplication



'In this theory, Borden never met Tesla (or only sought a pretty device to dress up his act) but sends the gullible Angier on a wild-goose chase to America. The money-strapped Tesla sees how gullible Angier is and decides to con him out of some money. Tesla and Alley string Angier along, taking his money and showing him a light show with the Tesla coil, until Angier starts to suspect and then they use the cat to lead Angier to the field. The hats and the cat in the field are placed there by either Tesla or Alley to try and convince Angier (after he is led there) that the machine duplicated. When Tesla believes that he has milked all the money he can out of Angier, he gives him the machine.

Angier, discovering the con, knows that he can not go to court as he would look like a fool. Tesla could claim all the money went for the "light show" and that Angier must be very confused to believe he was going to make a real teleporter instead of a faux-teleporter. Angier, realizing he was conned, decides to convince Borden of the same con, believing that, if he could convince Borden the trick was not an illusion but "real magic," it would prove that Angier was the better illusionist. He works up a better trick, using the device and presumably a double. He plans the trick and also has dummies in tanks created, hoping that the curious Borden would follow the tanks to the warehouse and see the "corpses on display," and suspect duplication.

In addition, he plans a secondary trick for Borden, in case he goes backstage. If Borden investigates during the act, Angier plans on killing the double, believing that Borden would be found guilty even if the jury only believed it was accidental, caused by sabotage. It did not even matter to him if the dead body was identified as him or a double. Cutter misidentifies the dead body, so Angier decides to remain "hidden" and moves into his real life as Lord Caldlow. When Borden is in jail, Angier again tries to convince Borden of the "duplication," by providing a journal which suggests how Tesla created a duplicating machine and not a teleporter. Borden is never convinced, though realizes how he was conned and is hanged.

Borden's twin (who were both taking turns as "Borden" and "Fallon") goes to the warehouse and shoots Angier. Angier finally realizes the simplicity of Borden's trick. Angier considers continuing with his plan to convince Borden of the duplication (thinking about telling him a story of shooting a duplicate) but realizes he is dying and has lost, so tells Borden how his goal was always to make the audience believe in the magic and try and forget that it was only an illusion.'
have you seen it ?

firstly, for me, the characters were all pretty unlikable or annoying, i didn't really find myself caring for any of them, couldn't work out who we was meant to be cheering for.

the story line, whilst pretty good, seemed to gloss over the important stuff all too quickly. several inaccuracies along the way, few plot holes etc - it felt really dumbed down in places/bordering on insulting actually - the more i think it about it the more let down i feel. a good movie to watch in the cinema with 3D and the effects and all that but as another part of the Alien franchise it has fallen well short

id agree with Spinter that it was most definitely a prequel - id imagine there's a sequel lined up to further the questions that were left unanswered

Watched it last night and agree with a lot of this. Some very good things (visuals, premise), but also some very odd occurances which really affect how good this film could/should have been.

Some of the things that bothered me about the film: (A few spoilers here for anyone who hasn't watched it).

ÔÇó Why the captain didn't seem to care about two stranded crew members
ÔÇó Why he didn't seem bothered a life form had been detected
ÔÇó The geologists random hostility towards Shaw - and then getting lost...really? A top level geologist and botanist getting lost?
ÔÇó The botanist reaching out to touch an alien creature he had no information on
ÔÇó Shaw and Vickers running from the falling ship...did they not think to run to the side?
ÔÇó Shaw escaping and the crew apparently not caring
ÔÇó Holloway wanting to get burned alive in front of his lover
ÔÇó When Shaw realised the Engineers' DNA matched ours, Holloway was in the same room yet didn't seem to realise only to be told later by Shaw

As billy said none of the characters were particularly likeable and there are lots of unanswered questions. Why the Engineers wanted humans dead, what happened to that first Engineer that died on Earth and exactly how all those Engineers died. Oh and why David infected Holloway?
Watched it last night and agree with a lot of this. Some very good things (visuals, premise), but also some very odd occurances which really affect how good this film could/should have been.

Some of the things that bothered me about the film: (A few spoilers here for anyone who hasn't watched it).

• Why the captain didn't seem to care about two stranded crew members
• Why he didn't seem bothered a life form had been detected
• The geologists random hostility towards Shaw - and then getting lost...really? A top level geologist and botanist getting lost?
• The botanist reaching out to touch an alien creature he had no information on
• Shaw and Vickers running from the falling ship...did they not think to run to the side?
• Shaw escaping and the crew apparently not caring
• Holloway wanting to get burned alive in front of his lover
• When Shaw realised the Engineers' DNA matched ours, Holloway was in the same room yet didn't seem to realise only to be told later by Shaw

As billy said none of the characters were particularly likeable and there are lots of unanswered questions. Why the Engineers wanted humans dead, what happened to that first Engineer that died on Earth and exactly how all those Engineers died. Oh and why David infected Holloway?

You're the first other person I've seen ask this! I've been wondering the same thing...


I also don't really get the whole 'biological weapon' thing... the black goo seemed to turn people into uncontrollable and powerful zombie killing machines; surely turning your enemies into those wouldn't be a good thing?!

And then if you have sex with someone whilst you're turning into this zombie killing machine, you create a squid-like alien in their womb? Just seems a bit random.
You're the first other person I've seen ask this! I've been wondering the same thing...


I also don't really get the whole 'biological weapon' thing... the black goo seemed to turn people into uncontrollable and powerful zombie killing machines; surely turning your enemies into those wouldn't be a good thing?!

And then if you have sex with someone whilst you're turning into this zombie killing machine, you create a squid-like alien in their womb? Just seems a bit random.

That black stuff just seemed to trigger mutation. It mutated those Earth worm looking things into those snake like creatures. Like you say I'm not sure how they were going to use that to destroy mankind. Something else that wasn't explained.

ÔÇó Why the captain didn't seem to care about two stranded crew members
ÔÇó Why he didn't seem bothered a life form had been detected
ÔÇó The geologists random hostility towards Shaw - and then getting lost...really? A top level geologist and botanist getting lost?
ÔÇó The botanist reaching out to touch an alien creature he had no information on
ÔÇó Shaw and Vickers running from the falling ship...did they not think to run to the side?
ÔÇó Shaw escaping and the crew apparently not caring
ÔÇó Holloway wanting to get burned alive in front of his lover
ÔÇó When Shaw realised the Engineers' DNA matched ours, Holloway was in the same room yet didn't seem to realise only to be told later by Shaw

As billy said none of the characters were particularly likeable and there are lots of unanswered questions. Why the Engineers wanted humans dead, what happened to that first Engineer that died on Earth and exactly how all those Engineers died. Oh and why David infected Holloway?

I'll have a crack at these, this isn't me defending the film btw, I have the same opinions as you, some very odd things irked me too.

ÔÇó I don't think he knew there was any danger in there at that point, probably just found it amusing
ÔÇó I think he was convinced it was a glitch because it remained motionless for "over an hour"
ÔÇó I just thought they were tinkled off because they had their lives put in stasis for 2 years (?) only for them to find out it was because two scientists believed they had found our creators - that baffles me too, especially when they could simply relay back to the ship and ask for directions?
ÔÇó I assumed his love of biology/botany overruled his common sense, the idiot
ÔÇó Typical action sequence that doesn't make sense, made for a decent visual mind!
ÔÇó Odd that one, seemed only David knew of what was inside her.
ÔÇó The pain was too much for him to handle I guess
ÔÇó Another odd thing with no apparent reasoning

What I got from the whole Engineer thing was the guy at the start was dropped on earth to create us, we came from the same DNA, he took something that disintegrated his body into the water, last thing you see is the strand of DNA, I thought that was the creation of Human life.

Black Goo and why they want us destroyed will be in the sequel I imagine, along with the explanation to Davids other motives from Weyland etc, as I didn't feel that was covered in enough detail. Did he simply take exception to Holloway being a dingdong to him or was it a big experiment he was told to carry out mirroring Ash in Alien?
GHod it sounds so brick.

Mate. Just see it in 3D and avoid the anoraks spouting brick about plot holes.

Just see it for what it is. Ridley Scott is a genius.

On second thoughts. You don't like Sci-Fi do you?

Might I recommend Sex and the City on Bluray instead?