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Official - Defoe

It is costing us. We are more potent when he plays plus he is better defensively than either Saha or Ade, he presses a lot more.

I thought he might start today, I definitely thought he would come on earlier than he did.

He has a lot in his locker that the other 3 do not have.
I feel for the guy. He is a much better footballer than Saha and he is scoring goals (although to be fair so has Saha).

I would play Defoe with Ade for the remainder of the games.
I wouldn't pick him over VDV, as I feel like the lack of Rafa has cost us in the last 2 games, but I would play him over Adebayor
Cannot understand why he was overlooked for the last 2 games. Absolutely baffled, especially considering Saha's minimal contribution in the mean time
Maybe Harry remembers the 4 goals from 22 games last season, maybe the inconsistency of his performances are a major factor in why Harry does or doesn't pick Defoe.
Sorry mate - but what on earth does his last season performance have to do with current team selection?

SURELY he's picking the team on current form? And based on that - he's having a solid return of a season and is after all our top scorer
Maybe Harry remembers the 4 goals from 22 games last season, maybe the inconsistency of his performances are a major factor in why Harry does or doesn't pick Defoe.

That does not seem logical considering the fact he is in fine goal scoring form this season

On that basis why would he sign Saha, a player who has done fuk all for Everton all season
To be fair he's still crap. And it's still like playing with 10 men when he's on the pitch.

I hate us playing 2 forwards anyway. But Saha at least offers some strength, movement and link up play, even if he's a bit decrepit.

Hopefully Ade and Rafa will stay fit for the last 11 games and we'll buy better and younger 3rd and 4th choice forwards in the summer.
To be fair he's still crap. And it's still like playing with 10 men when he's on the pitch.

I hate us playing 2 forwards anyway. But Saha at least offers some strength, movement and link up play, even if he's a bit decrepit.

Hopefully Ade and Rafa will stay fit for the last 11 games and we'll buy better and younger 3rd and 4th choice forwards in the summer.

Just couldn't resist could you
Just couldn't resist could you


I was so happy when we managed to flog him in 08. Still can't get over us condemning ourselves to relive it all again. Definitely one of the most limited and frustrating players we've had at the club since the Levy revolution started properly in 04.

I was so happy when we managed to flog him in 08. Still can't get over us condemning ourselves to relive it all again. Definitely one of the most limited and frustrating players we've had at the club since the Levy revolution started properly in 04.

Yet one of our most prolific if not the most prolific.
To be fair he's still crap. And it's still like playing with 10 men when he's on the pitch.

I hate us playing 2 forwards anyway. But Saha at least offers some strength, movement and link up play, even if he's a bit decrepit.

Hopefully Ade and Rafa will stay fit for the last 11 games and we'll buy better and younger 3rd and 4th choice forwards in the summer.

Saha? Movement? In the sense he will put one leg in front of the other sometimes...3 fine chances today, passed two of them to De Gea and contrived to NOT bury one from 6 yards which, had he done his job, would not have resulted in Ade having to try and contort a goal which was then unluckily disallowed...
Saha? Movement? In the sense he will put one leg in front of the other sometimes...3 fine chances today, passed two of them to De Gea and contrived to NOT bury one from 6 yards which, had he done his job, would not have resulted in Ade having to try and contort a goal which was then unluckily disallowed...

its to your eternal credit that you even bother to try to reason with GB

Having a debate with my 4 year old is more profitable though, if you want to pop over
To be fair he's still crap. And it's still like playing with 10 men when he's on the pitch.

I hate us playing 2 forwards anyway. But Saha at least offers some strength, movement and link up play, even if he's a bit decrepit.

Hopefully Ade and Rafa will stay fit for the last 11 games and we'll buy better and younger 3rd and 4th choice forwards in the summer.

Used to. This isn't the player who played for Fulham or Man utd anymore.

Defoe will probably be quite angry come the end of the season at being consigned to 10 minute cameos, when his opposition for the England squad isn't exactly significant.
Gutter boy I dunno why you put him down so much mate? Yes he is offside so fudging much but playing on the shoulder of the last man can often led to these. Cracking shot, great turn of pace and links up well with the wingers?! Great squad player if not first choice.
To be fair he's still crap. And it's still like playing with 10 men when he's on the pitch.

I hate us playing 2 forwards anyway. But Saha at least offers some strength, movement and link up play, even if he's a bit decrepit.

Hopefully Ade and Rafa will stay fit for the last 11 games and we'll buy better and younger 3rd and 4th choice forwards in the summer.

Strongest little guy in the premier league. Movement and pressing is used in training of youngsters and FA coaching badges, and his instant control and quick passing makes his link play quite good.

Now his goal scoring record is something you criticise him for, but Ade (someone you think is miles better) is not going to do anything significantly different from what we see from Defoe every year.

There is just no reason not to rate Defoe. If you don't rate him, I can only think it is because you dont understand the game.
excellent man management by Harry - Defoe came in today to prove a point, and did with his goal.......he looks tinkled off and galvinsied

Defoe to go on a ten goal scoring spree until end of season
Thing is when VDV is fit then it will likely see both Defoe and Saha on the bench I reckon. Defoe will start in midweek though so lets hope he can cause some damage.