It's why i think the protest, if you want to call it that, helps highlight the issue further.
The Kick It Out initiative isn't backed properly from the top, and clubs don't seem to care enough to enforce it. victims fought to the end, Suarez didn't think he did anything wrong. Terry has basically got away with it, a few games off and comes back as if everything is fine. Blatter even says that a handshake at the end of the game is enough. Ferguson says Rio not wearing a shirt is embarrassing for him.
These 4 examples show that people don't respect the messages. Kick It Out is a nice idea, if it isn't going to be embraced then it should be dropped - otherwise the players supporting it, those who feel genuinely wronged, are sacrificing their own principles and backing a cause they don't believe in.
If the players had worn the shirts it would give the impression that things are fine. They aren't fine, clearly.