Tony Galvin
It was a “where were you moment”
I was at city away and have a scar from that game from falling down the seats (in shorts). The emotions in that game were IMO unsurpassable but it’s also easier when your there as you more involved
ajax away I watched with my nephew who I took to Spurs when he was 6 and he has been going ever since
When we got the winner I was jumping around sweating like a mad man. I slid on a rug and hit the fire place. I punched a bean bag repeatedly. I was wrecked and my nephew was all over the place too
My mate who I have my seat with rang me and he was in tears... he just blubbed down the phone - and made no sense
We rang out mate out in Amsterdam and he left the game at half time (we tried to get him to do that in the final).
I booked 8 beds in a Hotel in Madrid at a cost of about £2k.... I didn’t sleep that night until gone 4am
When I got into London the next day I had loads and loads of people who knew me just come up to me and congratulate me. They knew what it meant to be a fan of this club with the effort i put in to go (and take others with me). It was surreal for a good 3/4 days
Then we had the arguments about who was going with who... who was dropping out... who wouldn’t go without a ticket... and 4 lads that I booked a hotel for, pulled out so suddenly I’m £1k down
It all came together and we had a guy meet us from the states in the end (another story)
The final was brick, robbed by a ref and I haven’t seen that game back ever
But I’d gladly watch that semi again and again. The highlights give me goosebumps. The emotions from that game were and are unbeatable, unless your a zombie
i was also at Barca away that season and at no point even when we qualified did anyone think we could make the final
This is a brilliant post.
It is so much a "where were you" moment.
I had just returned from Spain two days earlier. Been in Madrid, knew the Final was there obviously, did not think at that stage we'd get there BUT could not let go of the hope.
Had a ticket but gave it up as I was due in Botswana a week after getting home (for 2.5 weeks) and I had already said to my missus a month earlier that if we got the Final I had to go. It was a "one or the other" situation. Truth be told, those few weeks strained our marriage. Anyway...I watched that game on my sofa by myself. It was midday. I could not watch it with our supporters club, I could only watch it solo. When Lucas scored, I screamed so loudly half the block stepped out to see what was going on, and I stood there, alone in the street, screaming and screaming. The missus called, she had been following on her work computer, and I babbled. My son called, I babbled. My mate Jonny -who I go with- called and I cried. My Mum called, I blubbed. And I watched that man shed every fudging tear, pump every arm muscle and scream every last breath that I had felt.
I was back from Bots on Tuesday AM, back on a plane to Madrid via NY on Friday to meet my mate early Sat AM. It was emotional. The day was emotional. And as much as I regret the result, I will forever remember being there. And to this day, I don't regret the choices I made.
I've seen cup final wins and had amazing away days (Crouchfest) and as you say mate, it is ALL about "where you were"...
That anyone thinks Poch's celebration was bad form is simply baffling to me.
p.s. I was at Barca home and that night, qualification from the group was dodgy!