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New Stadium and Training Ground - Pg 104 Northumberland Park master plan

Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

I have lived in a house where they parked in your yard to go to a match at the stadium down the street. If you're out driving at the time you won't have a place to park when you get home. Everyone rented, so hard to know if it was someone living there or visiting that had parked there.

If they're parking on your land then yes. fudge them. I'd park as to purposely block them in. Eye for an eye.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

If they're parking on your land then yes. fudge them. I'd park as to purposely block them in. Eye for an eye.

People like that have no shame. They'd be banging on everone's door, upset that their car has been blocked.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

Unless there's a physical difficulty I cannot understand the need to park that close to the stadium. It's usually possible to park within a mile or so, then you can enjoy a brisk fifteen or twenty minute walk to the stadium that will do nothing but good. Chances are you'll also get back to your car quicker than the traffic. Okay if it happens to be chucking it down you may have a shortish walk to the nearest station or bus stop instead. Oh dear.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

The reason traffic is bad is because there are loads of little pockets of parking areas around the stadium, therefore its like 20 routes blocked, all heading to get out the area.

If you have a large parking facility, then you can drip feed the vehicles out. For example opposite that Sainsburys is Brantwood Road, which can take you to the M25, M11, A406 and A1055 which I'd guess most are trying to get to.

Close of all roads around the stadium to just public transport and jobs a goodun.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

If I was to buy a season ticket for 5 years in advance, which IMO could be what happens when the club tries to pay off the stadium.. do you think that if I paid an extra £20 ontop that I would get the option to have a padded seat installed.

Having sat in the club seats at Wembley, that little piece of luxury not arf makes a difference. Then again I might be in a safe standing area.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

If I was to buy a season ticket for 5 years in advance, which IMO could be what happens when the club tries to pay off the stadium.. do you think that if I paid an extra £20 ontop that I would get the option to have a padded seat installed.

Having sat in the club seats at Wembley, that little piece of luxury not arf makes a difference. Then again I might be in a safe standing area.

Every seat at The Emirates is padded. I think we can assume it will be the same at our new stadium.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

A wee trip down memory lane :)

Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

Well, having gone to Wembley recently, they have car parks surrounding the stadium. Cost to park was £27 plus pennies.

Say you could get 1000 cars, that would be 27,000 per game. 10 games would generate 270,000 whilst 20 would generate 540k. Would this figure cover the build costs, say over 10 or 20 years.

The difference at Wembley is that people are usually going there as a one-off. I can't believe anyone would spend anything like that amount on a weekly basis.

Also, at Wembley the carparks aren't owned by the stadium, they're owned by a developer who has planning permission to build apartments, offices and shops on the site over the next 10-15 years. Which would appear to show that there's still more profit in developing land.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

Just playing devils advocate, but a family or group going to a game will already be paying at least £100 for tickets plus refreshments and travel. If the car is cheaper than multiple train tickets, then the £27 extra could be appealing for convenient parking. If one could book the parking spot with the tickets and it was close and easy to get to there might be enough takers.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

maybe a season ticket type car park space could be worked out
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

Parking near WHL isn't the issue - I do it all the time. It's gettin in and out that's the issue.

If the club/council really want to improve transport in the area, they need to remove the bus & cycle lanes and thin the pavement to create extra lanes. Then remove all central barriers and put in a contra-flow where all but one lane heads towards the ground before kickoff and all but one away after.

You really don't get town planning do you.

Common sense is the first thing that gets knocked out of you when you start in that business.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

Didn't really know where to put this but thought I'd put it in here as it involves a training ground, have a look at Dortmunds new training machine

Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

They will have to sort out the trains massively..

Got to Northumberland Park for the usual 4.58pm to LST, it went through without stopping, meaning you had 2 huge lots of people pushing onto the 5.12pm, totally ridiculous, how is it going to cope with another 25,000 people
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

Didn't really know where to put this but thought I'd put it in here as it involves a training ground, have a look at Dortmunds new training machine


I want one.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

If your neighbors parking space is on the street then yes, someone else will park there, because it's not actually your neighbors parking space.

People are entiltled to expect to be able to park within a reasonable distance of their own front door, and if your argument carried any real weight in this context, there'd be no such thing as residents' permits. Once the current CPZ is properly extended, there ought to be no issue.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

People are entiltled to expect to be able to park within a reasonable distance of their own front door, and if your argument carried any real weight in this context, there'd be no such thing as residents' permits. Once the current CPZ is properly extended, there ought to be no issue.

If your argument had any real weight, in this context, then every home would come with residents permits instead of only very few places having them.

People are entitled to naff all. If it's not your land, it's just not your land.
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Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

If your argument had any real weight then every home would come with residents permits instead of only very few places having them.

People are entitled to naff all. If it's not your land, it's just not your land.

You obviously missed the "in this context" part of my post.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

You obviously missed the "in this context" part of my post.

oh, fair enough, let me edit my previous post to add 'in this context' because that is going to make a world of difference.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

oh, fair enough, let me edit my previous post to add 'in this context' because that is going to make a world of difference.

Context always makes a world of difference. We're not talking about all homes, but those in the vicinity of White Hart Lane, where there already exists a CPZ. That shows that the council accept residents' rights in the context; it's just a matter of where the line is drawn. Happily, there are already plans to extend the current CPZ, in both Haringey and Enfield, to at least a mile-and-a-half away from the stadium, so it looks as though they disagree with the spirit of your argument, in the context.
Re: New stadium and training ground thread - Pg 74 Haringey Council plans 2025

Context always makes a world of difference. We're not talking about all homes, but those in the vicinity of White Hart Lane, where there already exists a CPZ. That shows that the council accept residents' rights in the context; it's just a matter of where the line is drawn. Happily, there are already plans to extend the current CPZ, in both Haringey and Enfield, to at least a mile-and-a-half away from the stadium, so it looks as though they disagree with the spirit of your argument, in the context.

See now it makes sense, you actually included the context. Whereas i have been talking generally.