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Nabil Bentaleb

I can see why Poch didn't want to play Bentaleb. Carroll has his limitations, but he doesn't give the ball away in dangerous areas like Bentaleb still does.

You sure of that? Carroll doesnt do it as much as or as spectacularly as Nabil .. but he has lost the ball at times leaving us open to counters
If Carroll's contract really is up in the summer, then its somewhat irrelevant whether he or Bentaleb is better. Some other club will offer him materially higher wages as a result of not having to pay a transfer fee - we're too disciplined to do that
If Carroll's contract really is up in the summer, then its somewhat irrelevant whether he or Bentaleb is better. Some other club will offer him materially higher wages as a result of not having to pay a transfer fee - we're too disciplined to do that

I believe his contract runs until 2018 now.

Personally I rate Bentaleb far higher than Carroll but I'm glad Poch has rewarded the latter for his hard work(not to say Bentaleb hasn't been working hard) as that's the only way to keep a happy and motivated squad.
I believe his contract runs until 2018 now.

Personally I rate Bentaleb far higher than Carroll but I'm glad Poch has rewarded the latter for his hard work(not to say Bentaleb hasn't been working hard) as that's the only way to keep a happy and motivated squad.
I agree and on this I trust Poch but in the end you can't help but feel that we could be wasting a very talented player which is a shame. I like Tom Carroll but I think his best position is higher up the pitch . I don't think he is strong enough to be a defensive midfielder.
I agree and on this I trust Poch but in the end you can't help but feel that we could be wasting a very talented player which is a shame. I like Tom Carroll but I think his best position is higher up the pitch . I don't think he is strong enough to be a defensive midfielder.
With Bentaleb you have to ask why if as most agree he is so talented the manager is using him so little. Even if Poch believes Carroll is better / more suited to the defensive midfield role, the fact he is using Nabil so little even as a sub begs all sorts of questions. Fitness? Proneness to error? Tendency to ignore instructions? Row with Poch? Doesn't fit our system? Attitude? The list goes on.

Clearly in the absence of any inside track it's really quite fruitless for us to try and second guess what the explanation might be. We can only hope that, whatever it is, Bentaleb is doing his best to work through it in order to regain his place in the team.

Failing that he's obviously out the door come summer.
Sadly I think he will be leaving this summer - The Poch players are playing, those who are not, don't hang around!
This time last year Dembele was in exactly the same position so I think it's a little premature to conclude anything regarding Nabil's future here.

Agree with that. Every season, to some extent, players start on a level basis and Bentaleb's lack of game time / match sharpness because of his injury will be irrelevant. He's a hugely talented and driven player so a decent set of coaches should be able to make a top player out of him
because he keeps possession well (normally), not something Bentaleb has excelled at
Not sure that is totally fair. Bentaleb is quite good at keeping possession actually. He's had a few dodgy moments in matches earlier this season, but for me last season he was one of the bright lights. I wouldn't be too quick to write him off from a talent perspective. If something else has gone on behind the scenes then so be it but playing wise he is good enough IMO.
Not sure that is totally fair. Bentaleb is quite good at keeping possession actually. He's had a few dodgy moments in matches earlier this season, but for me last season he was one of the bright lights. I wouldn't be too quick to write him off from a talent perspective. If something else has gone on behind the scenes then so be it but playing wise he is good enough IMO.

I'm not writing him off, just giving my opinion that right now Carroll is more deserving of the slot
Something aside from the injury has definitely gone on here. I have heard bits and pieces about bad attitude and multiple agents but never anything concrete but it does look to me like he has burnt his bridges with the manager.