It's a war that never ends, but there are plenty of battles that have been won by working people.
We don't have little kids working in factories or down mines, we have the right to vote, we can create unions. Even having a f**king weekend off was something that working people had to fight for.
In this country, we are fortunate that our ancestors fought and won these battles for us, when the playing field was a little more level. In the 3rd world, you'll see that these battles are much harder (if not impossible) for the poorest to win, because desperate people are much easier to suppress than they were 100 years ago.
But there will always be battles to fight, because rich people want theirs at the expense of those less well off. that is how it is and it's not going to change. But it is always worth fighting against, if you happen to be on the poor side of the fence.