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Mitt Romney the next new leader of the free world!!!

So if that's the case, why has Obama consistently renewed the Bush Tax Cuts?

The ones for high earners were going to expire and the republicans traded an increase in the debt ceiling for another extension. Naked opportunism. The country would have defaulted it's creditors of he hadn't. Very responsible from the house republicans. Who were in the majority. You know how American politics work right? The president has a veto but cannot pass legislation without the house and senate. Both of which are republican.
Also as for individuals achieving their dreams off the work of hard working americans, welcome to capitalism. Nobody is doing anything altruistically, those workers got paid accordingly for the job they did, and everyone has benefitted.

And how exactly do corporations not create jobs?

Lol. Tell that to the workers downsized and whose jobs have been offshored. Romney is a carpet bagger. Takes over companies. Fired staff and closes plants to improve the bottom line and sells. He's a job killer. Just because America is capitalist doesn't mean the majority believe the system works. Income inequality on both sides of the Atlantic is widening every year. Look at the Uk with CEO rewards increasing every year regardless of the profits or share price performance. You wanna defend that? Fair enough.
Lol. Tell that to the workers downsized and whose jobs have been offshored. Romney is a carpet bagger. Takes over companies. Fired staff and closes plants to improve the bottom line and sells. He's a job killer. Just because America is capitalist doesn't mean the majority believe the system works. Income inequality on both sides of the Atlantic is widening every year. Look at the Uk with CEO rewards increasing every year regardless of the profits or share price performance. You wanna defend that? Fair enough.

Companies aren't charities. If firing staff and closing plants improves the companies bottom line then why is that bad? Why is there anything wrong with buying a company, making it more efficient and selling it on?

Are Ford and GM job killers by using machines to build cars and not hand build them?

As for CEOs, if the shareholders are willing to pay that amount then it's up to them.
The ones for high earners were going to expire and the republicans traded an increase in the debt ceiling for another extension. Naked opportunism. The country would have defaulted it's creditors of he hadn't. Very responsible from the house republicans. Who were in the majority. You know how American politics work right? The president has a veto but cannot pass legislation without the house and senate. Both of which are republican.

Obama has a majority in the Senate right now, and for his first two years had a majority in both the Senate AND the House. What more could he have asked for between 2008 and 2010?
Obama has a majority in the Senate right now, and for his first two years had a majority in both the Senate AND the House. What more could he have asked for between 2008 and 2010?

Leeds Spur is 100% on the money here. This vote was up for renewal in 2010 when the Republicans played hostage with the debt ceiling. He WANTED to let them expire. He couldn't do anything about it in 2008 since they were set to expire in 2010.

By the way, majority in the senate doesn't matter any more because of the constant filibustering being used by the Republicans at every opportunity, thus negating the simple majority vote passage. Tell me how the Senate can get anything through when Republicans clamp down on the Democrats EVERY TIME THEY TRY TO GET SOMETHING PASSED.

The Republicans aren't conservative any more. They used to be a party that catered to conservative views, but they're pulling out the rug from underneath you.

Obama had the majority in the first two years, this is true. I definitely think he was far too kind to the banks, and they continue to receive hardly-scolding wrist-slaps every now and then just to remind them not to fudge us TOO hard. Unfortunately, many candidates have donors in finance. I would also argue that he should have spent more on the recovery/stimulus bill (because MOST of it was tax cuts, something conservatives always seem to ignore).
Companies aren't charities. If firing staff and closing plants improves the companies bottom line then why is that bad? Why is there anything wrong with buying a company, making it more efficient and selling it on?

Are Ford and GM job killers by using machines to build cars and not hand build them?

As for CEOs, if the shareholders are willing to pay that amount then it's up to them.

True, technology is making the unskilled labor that we do obsolete, and I think that removing as much menial labor as possible is a good thing. However, the government has failed at creating enough SKILLED workers. Kids go to college simply because everyone goes to college. It doesn't mean anything to have a BA anymore. And no way am I spending another 5 years working on a doctorate. But there are plenty of jobs in certain sectors and unfortunately no one to fill those positions. Our education system is brick and the students are brick, for the most part.

Shareholders don't decide bonuses, chairmen do. In the case of BAIN Capital, they did all sorts of weird brick before selling the companies for a profit. I'm not saying it's bad to downsize when the going gets tough, but they were trying to maximize their profit, meaning they wanted to fire as many people as possible while still keeping the company afloat.
True, technology is making the unskilled labor that we do obsolete, and I think that removing as much menial labor as possible is a good thing. However, the government has failed at creating enough SKILLED workers. Kids go to college simply because everyone goes to college. It doesn't mean anything to have a BA anymore. And no way am I spending another 5 years working on a doctorate. But there are plenty of jobs in certain sectors and unfortunately no one to fill those positions. Our education system is brick and the students are brick, for the most part.

Shareholders don't decide bonuses, chairmen do. In the case of BAIN Capital, they did all sorts of weird brick before selling the companies for a profit. I'm not saying it's bad to downsize when the going gets tough, but they were trying to maximize their profit, meaning they wanted to fire as many people as possible while still keeping the company afloat.

Lets be honest, the American University network is by far the strongest in the world. You a significant number of the worlds Top 100 Universities and are a world leader in research in every area. The reality is that if people are going to go to University and study degrees that aren't going to get them jobs, that's their problem. It's not for government to tell people what to study.

As for selling and buying businesses, in order for that to succeed then they need to fundamentally add value to the company. The idea of firing as many people as possible while keeping just enough to keep the business afloat is a negative spin on what I consider to be perfectly legitimate. They are effectively making companies more efficient and successful in order to add value, which is good for both the companies and the economy
Obama has a majority in the Senate right now, and for his first two years had a majority in both the Senate AND the House. What more could he have asked for between 2008 and 2010?

Not sure. Maybe Obama care? The single biggest change in US legislation for decades? The next tranche of stimulus? Saving the auto industry that employes millions and Romney would have let go to brick? Good luck winning Ohio with that policy!! :) he didn't have to fight a battle and use political capital as the bush cuts were due to expire. Then when the debt ceiling was going to expire the Republicans pounced. I know my stuff mate.
Companies aren't charities. If firing staff and closing plants improves the companies bottom line then why is that bad? Why is there anything wrong with buying a company, making it more efficient and selling it on?

Are Ford and GM job killers by using machines to build cars and not hand build them?

As for CEOs, if the shareholders are willing to pay that amount then it's up to them.

Laughable. Make your mind up! Does he create jobs or kill them? Whilst we're at it we should just kill people who rent productive eh? I mean thats more efficient!! Many plants Romney closed were profitable. The point remains the US unemployment rate is higher than the 'socialised' UK!? So the policies aren't working. Now the guy were a terrible jobs record wants the keys to the economy? He only knows how to kill jobs. Not create them. He isn't an entrepreneur. He's a pure asset stripper. The worst kind of predatory capitalist. Scum.
Laughable. Make your mind up! Does he create jobs or kill them? Whilst we're at it we should just kill people who rent productive eh? I mean thats more efficient!! Many plants Romney closed were profitable. The point remains the US unemployment rate is higher than the 'socialised' UK!? So the policies aren't working. Now the guy were a terrible jobs record wants the keys to the economy? He only knows how to kill jobs. Not create them. He isn't an entrepreneur. He's a pure asset stripper. The worst kind of predatory capitalist. Scum.

Technology in the motor industry caused massive job losses, does that mean technology is a job killer? Creating and killing jobs are biased terms, because it's about whether those jobs create value for the business. To take an extreme example, government could eradicate unemployment by hiring people to dig ditches and fill them back up, but obviously this is a stupid idea because no value is created from these jobs. It's the same with private equity firms like the ones you suggest, people may lose their jobs but if those jobs aren't creating any value then the jobs aren't worth keeping.
Not sure. Maybe Obama care? The single biggest change in US legislation for decades? The next tranche of stimulus? Saving the auto industry that employes millions and Romney would have let go to brick? Good luck winning Ohio with that policy!! :) he didn't have to fight a battle and use political capital as the bush cuts were due to expire. Then when the debt ceiling was going to expire the Republicans pounced. I know my stuff mate.

I'm all for universal health care, it's fantastic for our country, but in a country like the US where they have spiralling deficit and debt problems legislation like Obamacare is the right idea but at the wrong time. Some nice number crunching from when it was passed lets Obama break even over the first 10 years, but that's based on 10 years of cuts to Medicaid and only 6 years of spending on Obamacare. The second decade of Obamacare will cost the US a fortune in a time when the coffers for their social security programs will be running dry.
Technology in the motor industry caused massive job losses, does that mean technology is a job killer? Creating and killing jobs are biased terms, because it's about whether those jobs create value for the business. To take an extreme example, government could eradicate unemployment by hiring people to dig ditches and fill them back up, but obviously this is a stupid idea because no value is created from these jobs. It's the same with private equity firms like the ones you suggest, people may lose their jobs but if those jobs aren't creating any value then the jobs aren't worth keeping.

Lots of businesses are killed off because they don't create ENOUGH value. It's about short term gain. People that make their money through destroying what others have built up are the ones who should be killed off IMO.
Technology in the motor industry caused massive job losses, does that mean technology is a job killer? Creating and killing jobs are biased terms, because it's about whether those jobs create value for the business. To take an extreme example, government could eradicate unemployment by hiring people to dig ditches and fill them back up, but obviously this is a stupid idea because no value is created from these jobs. It's the same with private equity firms like the ones you suggest, people may lose their jobs but if those jobs aren't creating any value then the jobs aren't worth keeping.

Ford and GM are now massively profitable....they along with the likes of Toyota and others were hit hard by the global recession. Romney wanted them to lay off hundreds of thousands and millions in the supply chain, when they needed help to get over the hump.

The money Obama put in has been repaid and is a fantastic success story of public and private sector working together to secure jobs in tough times. When the banks were completely unwilling to extend credit.
I'm all for universal health care, it's fantastic for our country, but in a country like the US where they have spiralling deficit and debt problems legislation like Obamacare is the right idea but at the wrong time. Some nice number crunching from when it was passed lets Obama break even over the first 10 years, but that's based on 10 years of cuts to Medicaid and only 6 years of spending on Obamacare. The second decade of Obamacare will cost the US a fortune in a time when the coffers for their social security programs will be running dry.

Whats the single biggest item of expenditure? Defence.......neocons pursued two wars in the middle east that cost £4 TRILLION!!!!!!!! That's £4,000,000,000,000!!!

Bush is solely responsible for the debt the US is in. Clinton was running supluses!! He handed over the economy in rude health, I've read his book the the subject.

Then Bush spend £2 trillion on a tax cut for those earning more than $250k and what happened? No job growth......because trickle down is utter flimflam.

The US spending £700 billion a year on defence, more than the rest of the world combined! And having 40 million without health insurance is morally bankrupt.

People can slate Obama but now that people have Obama care, you just try to take it off them!!


Obama is winning by 3/4% already and the campaign hasn't even started.......Romney has had all of the air time.

People talk about benefits but the thing with entitlements is, just try taking them away from people, as we have seen in teh UK with Child Benefit, and that only costs a few billion!!

The elctoral college is looking good with Florida and Ohio both likely to go Obama this time.....Florida has loads of retirees who are concerned about healthcare, and Romney/Ryan cannot make their numbers stack up!!

Ohio is a rust belt state the same as Michigan and Wisconsin, millions of jobs in the auto industry.....no chance in hell Romney wins those....and if he can't win Ohio or Florida he's got no chance.

Absolutely destroyed.

This man doesn't have an OUNCE or moral fibre!! He will say ANYTHING to be elected.

He will be exposed as a fraud.

A win for Romney would be a disaster for America and for the world
You're quite the authority on US politics it seems. Going to have to disagree tremendously with papaspur about the Brits knowing more about American politics than Americans. Nearly everything I've read in this thread is a baseless generalization. And Leeds, I understood you to be a pro-business/conservative guy. Not sure why you would bash someone who's actually succeeded in the private sector and built successful businesses as the head of a private equity group. Maybe I have you confused with someone else.


Anyone who thinks Obama has been anything but a disaster hasn't been paying attention.

Watch the video above and tell me with a straight face Romney is teh future.

I actually kinda hope Barry loses as once Romney is in teh hot seat he'll be forced to do EVERYTHING he was apparently against.

The guy is a total fraud.

Rather than making bland statements about Obama being a disaster, back up your statements with analysis and examples, links to credible alternative policies?

You sound like Labour politicians! Blindly oppose everything without an alternative policy.

Bush was the biggest disaster in American political history, Obama's deficit is a DIRECT result of Bush's policies......just like over here Obama inherited a disasterous economy and deficit....and Labour/Repulicans now wanna lay the blame at the door of the people who have been left to clean up the mess?
