@StephenH the club has literally just had a £42M minimum cash injection in the last few weeks as all the season ticket renewals have been paid
That will have been planned for and factored in as it is every year, this time with a substantial increase (we like).
That money will go into cashflow with a big hoorah!
The WHL2 will of course bring increased revenue over WHL fingers crossed.
Revenue from increased season tickets is a good example of what I'm saying. As I said it will have taken into consideration some considerable time ago and will be of course be a 'little useful'

. But it's not (a very simplified version) like a bag of readies £42m lands on Daniel's desk and he rings up Herr Fritz at Dortmund as says the money for young Pulisic will be with you tomorrow (I wish).
These projects are so complicated and in many cases also convoluted, its mind boggling.
I once had conversation with a guy whos bank was putting together a bid to finance a far eastern tram system in singapore, if I remember correctly. The spreadsheet alone cost a small fortune the lady who did it was worth her weight in gold literally, the guy said, but I digress.
The flow of money through these complexed projects is not straightforward and usually quite creative
I of course haven't a scooby as to this coming windows budgets are, but this will be there in the overall financial model, just like the one for sales for pints of lager.
Deniel will have had a bloody good idea of this summers plans for some considerable time ago. Poch saying "we need to take a risk" etc, makes me want to say to Poch, "have you ever met Daniel Levy" it make little sense to me anyway! Daniel will have "risk" covered in his plans, it seem to be in nature.
He is a great chairman and he will never "risk" have a flutter or gamble. Except some would say building a new £800m stadium