First off, a word for our gracious 'champions' of 15-16.
Get f*cked, you inbred sh*tstains. The day you go back down to being nasty little nobodies filled with racists and brainless lumps can't come soon enough, and it hopefully will very soon judging by what just happened.
Anyway, enough about them. We were great. Controlled, composed performance, save for a shaky ten minute spell at the start of the second half. Strangled them to within an inch of their sorry lives in the first half, went in with a comfortable two goal lead, came back out and seemed surprised by their players actually trying to compete with us after that - so, we piled on another four for good measure and left them a lifeless huddle before strolling off.
Great, composed, clinical performance - full concentration, no slacking off, a 100% effort from start to finish. That is enormously impressive - that we come out with nothing to play for and *still* look as unfazed as at any point during this great league campaign is almost indescribably marvellous. *Nothing* like our past selves - such professionalism is bloody amazing to watch.
Well done, Harry - close to two consecutive golden boots in two years, another 30 goal season, and our personal talisman when it comes to blowing away sneering little rats. He's perfect - just f*cking perfect, and I'm starting to ask myself every day why we were blessed with someone like him coming along when he did. Nothing good ever happens to why did Kane turn out the way he has?
Well, I won't look a gift horse in the eye.

Bravo, Harry. One of our own.