It's interesting comparisons, the whole what could manager x do in a richer/poorer club.
Look at howe, lauded for his principles and attacking attitude at Bournemouth, but couldn't set up to defend.
Gets a "bigger" job at Saudi Sportswashing Machine, rides a wave for season, collapses under the increased games and comes out this and his team is unrecognisable as a "Eddie howe" team.
Has he learned a different method, has the pressure forced his hand, or are they again just riding a wave?
Personally I suspect it's the latter, the dig in, defend for your lives is great for awhile but for a club like Saudi Sportswashing Machine and the aspirations their fans have I'm not sure it can last long term.
Dyche suffered from it at burnley, did a great job, fans wanted more, moyes at West ham was the same.
It's a long list, and some our past managers would be on it.