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I was born in 87 so have little first hand knowledge of Thatcher but to everyone saying she could have been more diplomatic and consensus driven with the unions, was that not what Heath, Callaghan and Wilson tried and spectacularly failed at in the preceeding years?

That is exactly what happened. Governing by consensus in that aspect had failed and certainly by the time it came round to Callaghan, it had failed spectacularly. The unions needed reining in and rather than embracing the need for change, they did what most do which is become overtly aggresive in this face for change instead of playing a smart game and going with the flow.
Just saw that Mark Thatcher is a knight! How did this gobbrick, tinkle ant receive a knighthood? The man should have been locked up, the corrupt piece of brick!
Just saw that Mark Thatcher is a knight! How did this gobbrick, tinkle ant receive a knighthood? The man should have been locked up, the corrupt piece of brick!

I thought that too. How the hell.....

Notice he lives outside the UK now.

Still, I bet he is still the pinup boy of the Algerian armed forces after most of them went looking for him. He then says, upon discovery, they didn't need to. There's gratitude for you.

Major made Dennis a hereditary baronet in 1991. It was the last hereditary title given (ignoring royals).
I think Mark is a testament to motherly love, everything she went through including being reviled by 50% of the country, adored by the other 50%, having an ism named after her, just so that buffoon would never have to to to do an honest day's work in his life. And they reckon the royal family have it easy.

Back to Mrs Thatch. I heard Ken Livingstone describe her as the most significant PM since WW2. The essence of what he was saying was that love or loathe her politics she was the most stand out PM for many, many years. Far more balanced than some of the best/worst PM this country's ever had nonsense I've heard bandied around.
I think what people most miss when comparing Thatcher to politicians of today is her leadership and determination. Maggie is great (IMO) because she did things with conviction and for the most part got the big decisions right.

It takes a lot of courage to lead like Thatcher did. If you get it right you're a revered as a historical great, get it wrong and you will go down as one of the worst ever. Todays politicians don't have the stones.
But I bet he's fine with us having to pay for her £10m funeral.

Are Thatcher's family putting ANYTHING towards it just out of curiosity?

£10m? I thought it was a military thing so just re-tasking already contracted personnel? That's bloody ridiculous, it's not the fecking Olympics.
I'm sorry, how can she be such a great PM when half the people in the country despised her?

A great PM was Winston Churchill.

Because she did what had to be done, and for a decade nobody else who tried could do it.

As I have said previously, I think history will be very kind to Thatcher.
The Olympics cost 8.92bn, compared to that this is a rounding error

The Olympics brought in tourist revenue and investment. I somehow cannot picture thousands of Japanese tourists queueing eagerly to get a picture of Thatcher's varnished coffin being hauled unceremoniously into Westminster Cathedral while 'Ding Dong the Witch is Dead' plays in the distance on someone's radio.
The Olympics brought in tourist revenue and investment. I somehow cannot picture thousands of Japanese tourists queueing eagerly to get a picture of Thatcher's varnished coffin being hauled unceremoniously into Westminster Cathedral while 'Ding Dong the Witch is Dead' plays in the distance on someone's radio.

I wouldn't be so sure. I bet the local economy receives a very short term boost around the day of the funeral.