Vic Buckingham
mate i haven't foe'd you.. i just legitimately don't rate livermore.
i don't give a fudge how much me 'loves the club' .. i love the club, but i wouldn't play myself central midfield, because frankly, i'm brick.
he is championship standard, some of his passing against stevenage was absolutely cringe-worthy, not to mention his lack of vision and positional sense.
as long as we are striving to win the league or qualify for champions league, he does not make the cut i am afraid.
i shudder to think of him lining up against the lines of Real, Barca, Munich, whoever, it would be ugly and that's the facts.
i understand that he serves a purpose for the remainder of this season, but after that, no thank you, he should be moved on.
...the last time he lined up against Barca, we drew and he scored!!!