Sorry to hear about this mate.I'm thinking about going back to sound and light engineering again, as that was what I did as a self employed before I stared in this job. I'm terribly outdated in that department though. I'm old school anlog, and everything is digital there now.
Possibly a silly question but isn’t that a growth area currently?Currently I'm a Business Manager in a unit delivering Fraud prevention services (card/account transaction monitoring) for mostly banks in the Nordic and the UK. All I know is regarding fraud prevention. Not many options in that area.
Nothing tax free here. Standard is three months paid leave, which I get, and in addition they offered me an additional 6 months salary, but only if I don't have another job. Don't know how they can know if I am employed elsewhere, but I'll try to negotiate that I get paid this regardless.Sorry to hear about this mate.
Why not use the time to refresh your sound & light knowledge and re-train in digital?
What is the legislation in Norway around redundancy payments by the way? As has been mentioned earlier, in the UK £30k is tax-free but not sure about Norway.
Currently I'm a Business Manager in a unit delivering Fraud prevention services (card/account transaction monitoring) for mostly banks in the Nordic and the UK. All I know is regarding fraud prevention. Not many options in that area.
Sounds like an anti-compete clause. My only knowledge of this is in the US, but I'd imagine Norwegian law is far more protective.Nothing tax free here. Standard is three months paid leave, which I get, and in addition they offered me an additional 6 months salary, but only if I don't have another job. Don't know how they can know if I am employed elsewhere, but I'll try to negotiate that I get paid this regardless.
Currently I'm a Business Manager in a unit delivering Fraud prevention services (card/account transaction monitoring) for mostly banks in the Nordic and the UK. All I know is regarding fraud prevention. Not many options in that area.
Can only echo the above.
I've never once held a job related to what I read at university and rarely had two jobs where the technical knowledge was even in the same field. At the risk of sounding like Trump, good people are good people and every employer wants them. Many managerial roles don't require specific subject knowledge - that's what techies are there to advise on.
Also don't be afraid to look up The nickname that will never catch on when searching for a new role. Whilst there might not be many jobs in your industry like yours, what about jobs like that of your boss or even his/her boss?
It sounds like you have some time to take to find this role. Consider adding a skill that makes your skill set rare and desirable. When I worked in IT, I took some basic accountancy courses. You'd be surprised how many software engineers design financial packages without having a clue how they're used. So see what complimentary skills are out there - you may end up with a new role where all of your previous experience is just a "nice to have" but it will make you far more employable than the next person.
Also take some time to assess what you really want/need. Whilst my job could never be described as a 9-5, nor can I just forget about it each evening, I don't end up wiped out for evenings, weekends and holidays like i was when I was younger. What's a comfortable salary for you and your family? Do you need all the stress that comes with more? What role gives you the most in terms of overall life?