The Moonlit Knight
And neither have ever returned to that form. Parker had one year of brick and Huddlestone three. They will be easily replaced because as of last season they were not performing to a standard required to get top four.
It's not revisionism, it's just not living too far in the past.
Parker was only at the club two years. Last season he didn't play the entire season, and the half of season he did play Spurs demonstrated their best form of the campaign and he played well for the most part. There were a fair few Spurs fans who were moaning about Parker the year before last. I have little doubt you were one of them.
Huddlestone was also injured for a period of time. Last season he was OK, but nothing more. He didn't shine or disgrace himself and proved himself to be a valuable squad player.
So basically, your facts are wrong and why? Because you are a revisionist. :lol: