Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
This weather is a fudging joke! You'd expect it in January, but it's nearly April!
Where's Sheikh ma nuggets when you need him?
Where's Sheikh ma nuggets when you need him?
Damn cold! I've even been putting my coat on to go out for a smoke!
Well Essex is F*ing cold so I imagine London is the same.
I'm sick of this snow as well now, but anyone that says this is proof of global warming is talking nonsense. Here's some events for you...
On 25 September 1895 snow was reported to have fallen at London and Wallington in Surrey making it the earliest fall of snow on the capital.
On 2 June 1975 snow showers forced the abandonment of several cricket matches across the country.
The snowiest winter of the twentieth century in the United Kingdom was 1947. Between 22 January and 17 March snow fell every day somewhere in the country.
Were all these weird events caused by global warming or is it just that weather is constantly changing? I suspect in a few years we'll start a new spell of warm winters and it wont snow for 5-10 years or something and then everyone will claim that's global warming too.
Is there snow laying in London? Ill be around the Convent Gardens area.
Its bloody freezing tonight, is it ever going to warm up ???
Seriously mate, there's no such thing as bad weather, only a state of unpreparedness, didn't you know it was going to freeze last night? It was common knowledge. Working in the aviation industry I thought you'd have got decent weather forecasts as part of your job. I do.
Trains 1
Planes 0
I was a day off prior. I don't take my work home with me.
Dudes 1
Nerds 0
Whereas I get detailed five day forecasts.
Informed 1
Clock watchers 0
Could do with some rain though, first cut of silage is way back on last year.