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Hugo Lloris

I'd seen a fair bit a Friedal and the odd game of Gomes before they signed, but to be honest it was only when they were playing for us week in week out that I was really aware of the standard. The only keeper outside of Spurs I've ever kept a close eye on is Pepe Reina and that was because his stats suggested he was nowhere near as good as was being made out and on close inspection the stats were right and his reputation was false. This season even Liverpool fans are admitting he isn't what he once was, rather than making excuses as they had for the 2 previous seasons.

I don't know anything about Lloris other than casual watching of France in tournaments and the CL game of Lyon. I can't see why many of our fans would be any different. I'm not saying he isn't a great GK, but I'm not at all convinced that he is simply because some message board posters say so. The stats do worry me though as with GK's that particular save % stats tends to give a great indication of their standard. It's not 100% reliable of course, but it would be very odd for an truly exceptional keeper not to have a high save percentage.

For example, for all the shots Brad faced last season, even those from when he didn't come for crosses, he saved 75%. Any GK who saves over 80% of shots has usually had an exceptional season (Gomes 2009/10). It's usually only 1 or 2 per season who achieve this. Sometimes none achieve it.

Look at my GG hero pulling out these facts to shut the haters up..just look at him at work.
Its the league cup ffs. he doesnt tonight or doesnt play at the weekend, its irrelevant, he's the future. You really think he'll be upset he isnt playing against Carlisle?
I think he will be upset that as one of the best keepers in Europe he would have played just one match for his club in a month. There cones a time when some managers will simply not play at international level if you do not have enough game time at club level.
Look at my GG hero pulling out these facts to shut the haters up..just look at him at work.

In which case I'm sure you'll have noted the Gomes stats for 09/10. Of course, I and a few others repeatedly said he is a brilliant goalie who needed some confidence and support, but oh how fickle fans are. They shat on him as hard as the media despite his being one of the very main reasons we made the CL. Haters are everywhere and allign themselves with their favorites mate. It's the way it is. Even now, regardless of Parksie publicly saying Gomes is the most talented keeper at the club (this was pre-Lloris) Gomes belioevers were treated like spastic lepers and ridiculed.
I'd seen a fair bit a Friedal and the odd game of Gomes before they signed, but to be honest it was only when they were playing for us week in week out that I was really aware of the standard. The only keeper outside of Spurs I've ever kept a close eye on is Pepe Reina and that was because his stats suggested he was nowhere near as good as was being made out and on close inspection the stats were right and his reputation was false. This season even Liverpool fans are admitting he isn't what he once was, rather than making excuses as they had for the 2 previous seasons.

I don't know anything about Lloris other than casual watching of France in tournaments and the CL game of Lyon. I can't see why many of our fans would be any different. I'm not saying he isn't a great GK, but I'm not at all convinced that he is simply because some message board posters say so. The stats do worry me though as with GK's that particular save % stats tends to give a great indication of their standard. It's not 100% reliable of course, but it would be very odd for an truly exceptional keeper not to have a high save percentage.

For example, for all the shots Brad faced last season, even those from when he didn't come for crosses, he saved 75%. Any GK who saves over 80% of shots has usually had an exceptional season (Gomes 2009/10). It's usually only 1 or 2 per season who achieve this. Sometimes none achieve it.

Slightly unrelated question...are you happy to let the chips fall where they may here and possibly have neither Friedel or Lloris next August?
its a league 1 game... if you field lloris, the french press will have a field-day reporting that we demoted the French Captain and turn it into a national agenda!
What is your overall opinion of Lloris? Many of our fans seem to think he's world class, but to be honest I find it difficult to believe they've watched that much of France/Lyon and kept a particularly close on Lloris. So it would be interesting to hear from someone who has seen alot of him. His stats suggest he's just an average standard Premier League GK and certainly not among the very best in the world and not even Friedal. But obviously stats don't tell the whole story. Though he does have a low save percentage compared to other top class keeper and his distribution stats seem very poor. He actually made less accurate passes per game last season than Brad and many of our fans criticize Brads passing.

The only French guy I've spoken to said Lloris was nowhere near the best GK in Ligue 1. He said Mandana should be the French number 1. He said there was a reason Wenger never went for Lloris and that Man Utd could have signed him last season, but weren't interested. He went as far as saying Lloris would be our 3rd best keeper!

It sounds pretty worrying, but on the other hand I've read people on here claiming he's world class and is an upgrade on Friedal. I know stats aren't the be all and end all, but I just can't understand how he's let in so many goals and got a low save percentage over 3 seasons and be as good as many are making out. Surely playing for Lyon he can't have been that exposed to the point he was facing so many shots that he stood little chance. Over the course of one season, I could see an anomaly occurring in which he just has bad luck, but he hasn't reached the 75% save percentage in 3 years. Yet all the top GK's are usually over that mark.

To be honest I don't watch a lot of french football so I wouldn't be able to give you a lot of info.

In my view but I may be wrong :

Your friend is an OM followers :lol:
Lloris is good on his line and 1 on 1
His distribution is average (If we play Defoe upfront anyway, distribution won't be an issue as we will look to pass to the defense to keep the ball)
For the stat, we have to compare league to league as I feel that the way of play as a lot to do whith stat (you can't tell me than goalkeeper playing in Italy do not have a superior level on average than the one playing in England)
Levy bought Lloris because Lyon needed to get money and that's why it has been decided so late (otherwise Lyon would have kept him)
Potentially one of the best goalkeeper yes, still young and need to improve yes, on par with BF now (BF has the experience of the Premiership which is a huge advantage for a goalkeeper, Lloris on goalkeeper ability should be better, in a game you never know what can happen)

On last game if Cudicini played then it is a joke unless Lloris play against Man U.:-k
I'm really not going to go through all the Spurs message boards, but I was reading this article 5 minutes ago and again he was described as world class:


I'm not saying he isn't as I haven't seen much of him. But at the same time I don't understand how people can state he is an improvement on Brad, unless they've been really following him closely. Did you honestly believe that many if any Spurs fans have watched Lloris and scrutinized his game in the same way we do with Brad each week? If so how come his stats are so out of kilter with an improvement on Brad? Is he just unlucky with his passing? Is he been insanely unlucky with the shots he's faced? Has brad only faced easy shots? What is going on? I don't know, as I've only seen Brad closely, so won't judge Lloris.

Joey, you made a fairly sweeping / generalising statement claiming many fans on here a referring to him as 'world class' - something which you subsequently refused to back up with factual proof and quickly moved on to some blog article - even there only one (1) comment makes referrence to world class. (World-Class for me personally referrs to the very top layer of world players and limited to the odd 15-20 names, but again, the definition is highly subjective)

I spend a fair bit of time on here during the week (far less so on weekends admittedly) and to be quite honest with you - I cannot recall many instances of the above comparison (possibly except the kneejerk celebratory reach-around on deadline day when we signed him)

On the one side you confess to not seeing much of him then in the very next sentence question how can others rate him higher than Brad. Well, this might be pushing the envelope a bit here - but perhaps they have seen a bit of him over the years ;). Or at least a bit more than yourself. After all, he's been around since 2005 and has made more than 300 (302 to be precise) first team appareances.

Off-hand personally I can recall at least 20-25 games of his over the last 4-odd years

Also - could you possibly share the link to the stats you keep referring to.
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Are you suggesting Lloris would be gone before next season starts?

This whole Lloris thing is ridiculous. we clearly bought him as a replacement for Friedel. Friedel is 41 and whilst still great surely he wont continue like this forever. I wouldnt be suprised if Hugo gets into the first team by christmas. friedel is a safe bet for now and in good form.
The fact we didnt play LLoris last night to me indicates that he would play against United, am I the only one thinking this?
Friedel will play the Prem games and Lloris the European ones
Not for long, I think - not unless AVB is a fudging fool which he doesn't seem to be

Mr Consistent wont make enough clangers to be dropped. The boy Hugo has a challenge on his hands.

Friedel is just being greedy. 41, long career, now he needs to step aside.
Not for long, I think - not unless AVB is a fudging fool which he doesn't seem to be

Look you delusional poster, AVB is not a "fudging fool" for persisting with a Goalie that's playing very well. In fact the fools are the people that still don't get why Friedel is starting.