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Hugo Lloris

oui oui monsieur, same with me but in the opposite way

don't worry, everyone has dips. well, friedel has never had a dip in his career, cause he's played oh.. 10 seasons straight until this season? lets see if lloris does the same. if he does, then all credit to him =D>

Fair play, if Lloris has a major dip in form then Brad should come in.
FFS! Is anyone else getting fudged off by this tirade of playground bickering about who is the best keeper? Well, shall we decide by which player has the biggest dad?

I mean, surely the end statement is that Friedel was decent for us whilst he played behind the sticks. Lloris is now playing in goal and he has been very good since he has started playing.

We all have our own opinions of which keeper is better but those are the facts. And all this talking around in circles gets us nowhere as noone seems to be willing to budge in their views. I'm all for opinions and talk about different things but to talk the same things over and over again, its pointless!

It may be pointless but it's the very stuff of internet forums. Colliding egos, entrenched positions, credibility on the line, it's all classic stuff. Childish without doubt, but hey is what a lot of grown men do, including me :)
Who's saying Brad is better than Hugo? No one! What is being said, imo quite rightly is that it would have been wrong to just chuck him into the team and risk him floundering in his first few games (with no pre-season to get used to his new team mates) a bit like gomes or De gea. AVB handled the situation perfectly and I just can't agree with you if you believe differently!

Fine, that's your point of view. I thought AVB handled the situation poorly. I think a lot of Spurs fans and the media did a great disservice to the captain of France by giving him such a lukewarm reception, and I think Hugo's early treatment smacked of anti-French bias by some.

I'm no French worshipper, and they get on my nerves at times with the EU etc, but I put all that to one side when it comes to Spurs. Just as I do if players have played for Arsenal or whoever.

The Lloris situation is very bitter with some of us because of this, I remember reading GG at the time and getting furious with some of the anti-Lloris anti-French stuff. It's a key reason I started posting, to help out people like Arcspace, who were calling it right from the off, IMHO.

Also as I've said before Hugo is different to De Gea or Gomes. Yes they're all foreign and goalkeepers, but that's about it. Certainly in the key issues of mental strength and dealing with crosses Lloris is very different.
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Fine, that's your point of view. I thought AVB handled the situation poorly. I think a lot of Spurs fans and the media did a great disservice to the captain of France by giving him such a lukewarm reception, and I think Hugo's early treatment smacked of anti-French bias by some.

I'm no French worshipper, and they get on my nerves at times with the EU etc, but I put all that to one side when it comes to Spurs. Just as I do if players have played for Arsenal or whoever.

The Lloris situation is very bitter with some of us because of this, and as I've said before Hugo is different to DE Gea or Gomes. Yes they're all foreign and goalkeepers, but that's about it. Certainly in the key issues of mental strength and dealing with crosses Lloris is very different.

The only one who seems bitter is you, who despite evidence to the contrary keeps insisting that AVB handled the situation poorly and risked alienating Hugo despite direct quotes to the contrary from AVB and Lloris and little more than idle press speculations supporting your viewpoint. Apart from one overly patriotic American everyone here seem happy that Lloris is our first choice, he got several good chants from the Spurs fans in our last league game (I don't know about the Coventry game because it wasn't on TV).
Fine, that's your point of view. I thought AVB handled the situation poorly. I think a lot of Spurs fans and the media did a great disservice to the captain of France by giving him such a lukewarm reception, and I think Hugo's early treatment smacked of anti-French bias by some.

I'm no French worshipper, and they get on my nerves at times with the EU etc, but I put all that to one side when it comes to Spurs. Just as I do if players have played for Arsenal or whoever.

The Lloris situation is very bitter with some of us because of this, and as I've said before Hugo is different to DE Gea or Gomes. Yes they're all foreign and goalkeepers, but that's about it. Certainly in the key issues of mental strength and dealing with crosses Lloris is very different.

To be fair even lloris himself has come out and said that goalkeeping in the prem is very different to ligue1 or the cl, for instance in the way that attacking teams try to block off the goalie on corners etc. I can't be asked to look for these specific quotes but they are out there. With the greatest respect I think you are being oversensitive if you perceive some kind of anti French bias in respect of how lloris has been treated.

I am really pleased we have signed him and think he will end up being great for us, but we haven't seen the best of him so far. I also think you are underplaying the importance of communication between a goalie and his defence, and I think it was important for lloris to be able to develop an understanding with his teammates prior tp throwing him in at the deep end.
Fine, that's your point of view. I thought AVB handled the situation poorly. I think a lot of Spurs fans and the media did a great disservice to the captain of France by giving him such a lukewarm reception, and I think Hugo's early treatment smacked of anti-French bias by some.

I'm no French worshipper, and they get on my nerves at times with the EU etc, but I put all that to one side when it comes to Spurs. Just as I do if players have played for Arsenal or whoever.

The Lloris situation is very bitter with some of us because of this, I remember reading GG at the time and getting furious with some of the anti-Lloris anti-French stuff. It's a key reason I started posting, to help out people like Arcspace, who were calling it right from the off, IMHO.

Also as I've said before Hugo is different to De Gea or Gomes. Yes they're all foreign and goalkeepers, but that's about it. Certainly in the key issues of mental strength and dealing with crosses Lloris is very different.

Haha, what? Absolute nonsense. Your talking about a fanbase that is in love with David Ginola. Since when did this become an issue of xenophobia? crazy.
To be fair even lloris himself has come out and said that goalkeeping in the prem is very different to ligue1 or the cl, for instance in the way that attacking teams try to block off the goalie on corners etc. I can't be asked to look for these specific quotes but they are out there. With the greatest respect I think you are being oversensitive if you perceive some kind of anti French bias in respect of how lloris has been treated.

I am really pleased we have signed him and think he will end up being great for us, but we haven't seen the best of him so far. I also think you are underplaying the importance of communication between a goalie and his defence, and I think it was important for lloris to be able to develop an understanding with his teammates prior tp throwing him in at the deep end.

Yes, this is what I've mentioned earlier too, when he wasn't playing. I had actually hoped that AVB would gradually bring him in, since the PL is such a different beast to Ligue 1 and he needs time on the training ground to work together with our defenders + lessons from Friedal and get used to having less protection from the ref on set pieces.

I really think keeper is the most important position to *not* chuck in on the deep end, since one mistake and everyone will be on his back, ruining him like the English media did Gomes. Lloris seems to have a stronger mentality than Heurelho but I'd rather not run that risk when the entire team is up in the air and trying to get familiar to new teammates, new coach, new style, etc. Lloris has a very different style from Friedal so the defense has to adapt to him as well, and perhaps our ever-shifting backline also needed some time to settle in and gain some unity before learning to work with a much more proactive keeper.

Having said that, it's early days but I hope we are very patient with Lloris. He's very young and his brave style will naturally produce a few clangers. However, on the whole, I think we will benefit greatly from his 'sweeper keeper' qualities.
The only one who seems bitter is you, who despite evidence to the contrary keeps insisting that AVB handled the situation poorly and risked alienating Hugo despite direct quotes to the contrary from AVB and Lloris and little more than idle press speculations supporting your viewpoint. Apart from one overly patriotic American everyone here seem happy that Lloris is our first choice, he got several good chants from the Spurs fans in our last league game (I don't know about the Coventry game because it wasn't on TV).

Fair enough, maybe I'm the only one that's bitter about the situation.
To be fair even lloris himself has come out and said that goalkeeping in the prem is very different to ligue1 or the cl, for instance in the way that attacking teams try to block off the goalie on corners etc. I can't be asked to look for these specific quotes but they are out there. With the greatest respect I think you are being oversensitive if you perceive some kind of anti French bias in respect of how lloris has been treated.

I am really pleased we have signed him and think he will end up being great for us, but we haven't seen the best of him so far. I also think you are underplaying the importance of communication between a goalie and his defence, and I think it was important for lloris to be able to develop an understanding with his teammates prior tp throwing him in at the deep end.

Fair comments, but I still disagree. Lloris should have been in earlier than he was, and the lukewarm reception he got suggests either anti-French bias or a lack of knowledge of what a wonderful player we had signed, either way I'm tinkled off about it.
IIRC it was deschamp who stoked the flames.
It was AVB who stoked the flames by benching the captain of France and a world class keeper in favour of a 41 year old. The French couldn't believe it. They were surprised that Lloris hadn't gone to club bigger than us in the first place and then to be dropped by a club that doesn't have much of a profile in France astonished a lot of them, as well as me.
Yes, this is what I've mentioned earlier too, when he wasn't playing. I had actually hoped that AVB would gradually bring him in, since the PL is such a different beast to Ligue 1 and he needs time on the training ground to work together with our defenders + lessons from Friedal and get used to having less protection from the ref on set pieces.

I really think keeper is the most important position to *not* chuck in on the deep end, since one mistake and everyone will be on his back, ruining him like the English media did Gomes. Lloris seems to have a stronger mentality than Heurelho but I'd rather not run that risk when the entire team is up in the air and trying to get familiar to new teammates, new coach, new style, etc. Lloris has a very different style from Friedal so the defense has to adapt to him as well, and perhaps our ever-shifting backline also needed some time to settle in and gain some unity before learning to work with a much more proactive keeper.

Having said that, it's early days but I hope we are very patient with Lloris. He's very young and his brave style will naturally produce a few clangers. However, on the whole, I think we will benefit greatly from his 'sweeper keeper' qualities.
He's not very young, he's 26, the captain of France and an experienced CL regular with Lyon. He may improve with age, but he's already operating at very high levels indeed.
It was AVB who stoked the flames by benching the captain of France and a world class keeper in favour of a 41 year old. The French couldn't believe it. They were surprised that Lloris hadn't gone to club bigger than us in the first place and then to be dropped by a club that doesn't have much of a profile in France astonished a lot of them, as well as me.

Are you serious? Idiot if so.
He's not very young, he's 26, the captain of France and an experienced CL regular with Lyon. He may improve with age, but he's already operating at very high levels indeed.

26 is pretty young for a keeper :) I recognize he's played many many games, but he hadn't played any English-style games yet. I think the style of play in the PL is so different from the continent ... keepers are allowed to get roughed up quite a bit more and have to deal with more aerial bombardment. Iirc, Lloris wasn't noted for his prowess with crosses before.

Lloris is also a very different kind of keeper from what we're used to; he and Friedal are practically diametrical, while he's also more aggressive than Gomes. Coupled with our young and new-looking defense (ever-rotating LB, a 20-year-old Caulker, 22-year-old Walker, a new CB from a weaker league), I think it's good to take some time to build communication and familiarity within the back five. Even though Gomes's form was thankfully fantastic from the very start of our 2points8games season, it was because he was making brilliant last-ditch saves, not so much for marshalling our defense. There was just no communication at all.

I'm not saying Lloris doesn't already operate at a high level, I mean that his style is naturally going to mean an embarrassing flop from time to time. This was what Lyon fans were saying to my knowledge before he came, and I think that's to be expected. However the occasional flop doesn't erase the overall benefits of a more proactive keeper. Lloris's decision-making can only improve with time here too.
Fine, that's your point of view. I thought AVB handled the situation poorly. I think a lot of Spurs fans and the media did a great disservice to the captain of France by giving him such a lukewarm reception, and I think Hugo's early treatment smacked of anti-French bias by some.

I'm no French worshipper, and they get on my nerves at times with the EU etc, but I put all that to one side when it comes to Spurs. Just as I do if players have played for Arsenal or whoever.

The Lloris situation is very bitter with some of us because of this, I remember reading GG at the time and getting furious with some of the anti-Lloris anti-French stuff. It's a key reason I started posting, to help out people like Arcspace, who were calling it right from the off, IMHO.

Also as I've said before Hugo is different to De Gea or Gomes. Yes they're all foreign and goalkeepers, but that's about it. Certainly in the key issues of mental strength and dealing with crosses Lloris is very different.

I remember no such thing. Nothing widespread anyway.

Other than a few isolated doubters, the response on here to the LLoris signing was overwhelmingly positive.
It was AVB who stoked the flames by benching the captain of France and a world class keeper in favour of a 41 year old. The French couldn't believe it. They were surprised that Lloris hadn't gone to club bigger than us in the first place and then to be dropped by a club that doesn't have much of a profile in France astonished a lot of them, as well as me.

I don't know how old you are but anyone of a certain age will remember the dominant Liverpool teams of the 70's and 80's.

Part of Liverpool's success was based upon how they bedded new signings into the club and the Liverpool way of playing, as it was back then. No matter the stature, new signings were routinely introduced slowly - sometimes over a matter of many months - into the first team.

Worked brilliantly for them (and for their signings).

Worked brilliantly for Spurs and LLoris too. Perfectly handled by AVB. Ruffling a few feathers and bruising a few egos in the French media (and in your household) is a small price to pay for allowing Lloris the space to acclimatise to English football generally and Spurs in particular.
26 is pretty young for a keeper :) I recognize he's played many many games, but he hadn't played any English-style games yet. I think the style of play in the PL is so different from the continent ... keepers are allowed to get roughed up quite a bit more and have to deal with more aerial bombardment. Iirc, Lloris wasn't noted for his prowess with crosses before.

Lloris is also a very different kind of keeper from what we're used to; he and Friedal are practically diametrical, while he's also more aggressive than Gomes. Coupled with our young and new-looking defense (ever-rotating LB, a 20-year-old Caulker, 22-year-old Walker, a new CB from a weaker league), I think it's good to take some time to build communication and familiarity within the back five. Even though Gomes's form was thankfully fantastic from the very start of our 2points8games season, it was because he was making brilliant last-ditch saves, not so much for marshalling our defense. There was just no communication at all.

I'm not saying Lloris doesn't already operate at a high level, I mean that his style is naturally going to mean an embarrassing flop from time to time. This was what Lyon fans were saying to my knowledge before he came, and I think that's to be expected. However the occasional flop doesn't erase the overall benefits of a more proactive keeper. Lloris's decision-making can only improve with time here too.

Fair comments :) I still stand by my views though.

'Tottenham Hotspur goalkeeper Hugo Lloris has revealed that he held talks with manager Andre Villas-Boas early this season after a difficult start to life at White Hart Lane.

Lloris joined Spurs this summer for a fee of around £8m but initially struggled to earn a place in the starting XI, with Brad Friedel in fine form.

Restricted to starting games in the Europa League, the France captain has admitted that he had to confront Villas-Boas in an effort to gain a first-team place.

He told reporters: "Yes there were discussions and it couldn't go on.'

Doesn't sound like he was happy at all, which I've been saying all along :)