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HRH Queenie

Fair point, some of them might actually know her personally.

I think most people wanted to give her a chance when she got together with Harry. Most of them also got excited for the royal wedding. But she doesn’t come across as likeable in my opinion. I’d say that’s why most people don’t like her. Racism would be the driver for racist people but for anyone else it wouldn’t be.
I think most people wanted to give her a chance when she got together with Harry. Most of them also got excited for the royal wedding. But she doesn’t come across as likeable in my opinion. I’d say that’s why most people don’t like her. Racism would be the driver for racist people but for anyone else it wouldn’t be.

There's dislike that is generated by media commentators and Royal analysts that is beyond what would be expected. Some of that is definitely driven by racism; when you see Angela Levin's comments and old (now deleted) tweets you get a flavour of how Meghan is viewed within those circles. If Levin's diatribes do not represent the views with the Royal quarters and are wide of the mark from their perspective she would have been shut down by now..

To give a bit of a flavour:

P.S. - Not that i particularly like Meghan myself, but the organised vitriol she gets from the media is definitely stemming from some racism and 'know your place' sentiment' imo
P.S. - Not that i particularly like Meghan myself, but the organised vitriol she gets from the media is definitely stemming from some racism and 'know your place' sentiment' imo

Exactly the same, normal woman is taken aback by Royals and their "etiquettes" and she is painted as some kind of enemy where on the flip side most media outlets will comment on how archaic the Monarchy is, so which is it?

For me the Harry and Meghan story is far more simple, Man and woman love each and do whats needed to see that through, anything more is just loaded bullcrap
I think most people wanted to give her a chance when she got together with Harry. Most of them also got excited for the royal wedding. But she doesn’t come across as likeable in my opinion. I’d say that’s why most people don’t like her. Racism would be the driver for racist people but for anyone else it wouldn’t be.

Hasn't she been caught in a few lies already? Nothing wrong with lying but when you do it to get others into trouble I don't like it.

She came across to me as someone desperate to be a princess but desperate not to open a community centre in Preston on a wet Wednesday in January. Which seems as much a part of their job description these days as attending banquets.
There's dislike that is generated by media commentators and Royal analysts that is beyond what would be expected. Some of that is definitely driven by racism; when you see Angela Levin's comments and old (now deleted) tweets you get a flavour of how Meghan is viewed within those circles. If Levin's diatribes do not represent the views with the Royal quarters and are wide of the mark from their perspective she would have been shut down by now..

To give a bit of a flavour:

P.S. - Not that i particularly like Meghan myself, but the organised vitriol she gets from the media is definitely stemming from some racism and 'know your place' sentiment' imo

In certain quarters of the media possibly more driven by racism. But the general public by and large, most people who don’t like her just don’t like her, and Harry for that matter. They are certainly not loved like the Queen was or even Princess Diana.
In certain quarters of the media possibly more driven by racism. But the general public by and large, most people who don’t like her just don’t like her, and Harry for that matter. They are certainly not loved like the Queen was or even Princess Diana.

It is strange though because I have alot of time for Harry and the fact he has seen things like his Mums death, his father infidelity, the media onslaught and decided its not for him and TBH he is also right to fight for protection for himself and his family because despite walking away he is quite clearly still a target for anything, as the media continue to prove. SO the idea he broke away and therefore pays it all himself is also slightly silly considering those demanding that are directing a potentially dangerous pile on
It is strange though because I have alot of time for Harry and the fact he has seen things like his Mums death, his father infidelity, the media onslaught and decided its not for him and TBH he is also right to fight for protection for himself and his family because despite walking away he is quite clearly still a target for anything, as the media continue to prove. SO the idea he broke away and therefore pays it all himself is also slightly silly considering those demanding that are directing a potentially dangerous pile on

Similar to me then. I used to take more interest in Harry’s life than the rest of the royals as we share the same birthday (same day and year). Felt sorry for him for losing his mum. I also lost a parent at a relatively young age (24). He decided he had had enough of being in the spotlight, fair enough. I do however question their decision to be interviewed by Oprah. It’s their prerogative to do so but they did say they wanted to get out of the spotlight so it seems to conflict with that decision. But ultimately what I’m trying to say I get their reasons for leaving and I understand some of the abuse is racially motivated, but it is possible to dislike her or both of them just because you don’t like them with race playing no part in that.
If the family didn’t like her they would not have let her marry Harry. Clearly there was no objection.

I am not a royalist but I think she will breath life back into the Royal family as they seek to become more relevant.

And I had a bit of a thought about al this malarkey earlier. Whilst there is no way we would construct a monarchy from scratch if you were seeking to build a constitution, the fact is we have been handed this by our forebears - and that is good enough for me. They went through many many episodes of strife over centuries and things largely held together.
If the family didn’t like her they would not have let her marry Harry. Clearly there was no objection.

I am not a royalist but I think she will breath life back into the Royal family as they seek to become more relevant.

And I had a bit of a thought about al this malarkey earlier. Whilst there is no way we would construct a monarchy from scratch if you were seeking to build a constitution, the fact is we have been handed this by our forebears - and that is good enough for me. They went through many many episodes of strife over centuries and things largely held together.

Breathe life back into it?

If it needs life being breathed into it then it is not worth it. Secondly she does not want to be a part of it, which I do not blame her. Then give up your titles and don't mean about your kids not being given titles.

Call a spade a spade she is a money grabber who saw a meal ticket. Got one at B&Q who works with me, all over one of the guys because he just inherited from his old man dying. You get them all levels of society. Does not make a bad person, just makes her a woman.
Similar to me then. I used to take more interest in Harry’s life than the rest of the royals as we share the same birthday (same day and year). Felt sorry for him for losing his mum. I also lost a parent at a relatively young age (24). He decided he had had enough of being in the spotlight, fair enough. I do however question their decision to be interviewed by Oprah. It’s their prerogative to do so but they did say they wanted to get out of the spotlight so it seems to conflict with that decision. But ultimately what I’m trying to say I get their reasons for leaving and I understand some of the abuse is racially motivated, but it is possible to dislike her or both of them just because you don’t like them with race playing no part in that.

Of course you are 100% right I just find peoples reasoning also fairly weak at times.

She is not poor or needs the money so that idea for me is laughable but often used. I do also believe that people can choose what media they want to participate in without it meaning that its open season in their lives. I don't buy into that if you give an interview you somehow deserve the press on your porch or sifting your bins for example.
There's dislike that is generated by media commentators and Royal analysts that is beyond what would be expected. Some of that is definitely driven by racism; when you see Angela Levin's comments and old (now deleted) tweets you get a flavour of how Meghan is viewed within those circles. If Levin's diatribes do not represent the views with the Royal quarters and are wide of the mark from their perspective she would have been shut down by now..

To give a bit of a flavour:

P.S. - Not that i particularly like Meghan myself, but the organised vitriol she gets from the media is definitely stemming from some racism and 'know your place' sentiment' imo
I don't think the media side is driven by racism, far too savvy for something as plainly idiotic as racism. It's driven by the idea of divide and rule and the racism is implied which filters into the minds of the people who were already racist and bingo you've got another yawning great chasm in a country that's already got more division than I've ever seen in my lifetime. Meanwhile the Tories continue their slash and burn destruction of everything while the little people are all looking the other way, It's such an old old play I'm always stunned when people fall for it over and over.

As an aside I think Meghan is bloody lovely, gorgeous woman.
Breathe life back into it?

If it needs life being breathed into it then it is not worth it. Secondly she does not want to be a part of it, which I do not blame her. Then give up your titles and don't mean about your kids not being given titles.

Call a spade a spade she is a money grabber who saw a meal ticket. Got one at B&Q who works with me, all over one of the guys because he just inherited from his old man dying. You get them all levels of society. Does not make a bad person, just makes her a woman.

Could not have put it better myself.
Breathe life back into it?

If it needs life being breathed into it then it is not worth it. Secondly she does not want to be a part of it, which I do not blame her. Then give up your titles and don't mean about your kids not being given titles.

Call a spade a spade she is a money grabber who saw a meal ticket. Got one at B&Q who works with me, all over one of the guys because he just inherited from his old man dying. You get them all levels of society. Does not make a bad person, just makes her a woman.

If the monarchy has shown me anything this week it is that it needs shaking up. She’s doing that even if we find it at hard watch.
I don't think the media side is driven by racism, far too savvy for something as plainly idiotic as racism. It's driven by the idea of divide and rule and the racism is implied which filters into the minds of the people who were already racist and bingo you've got another yawning great chasm in a country that's already got more division than I've ever seen in my lifetime. Meanwhile the Tories continue their slash and burn destruction of everything while the little people are all looking the other way, It's such an old old play I'm always stunned when people fall for it over and over.

As an aside I think Meghan is bloody lovely, gorgeous woman.

I was reading something interesting earlier in the week that I will have to dig back out, but ultimately it said that had she married in to a royal or aristocratical family anywhere else in the world there would be nowhere near as much negative press or eyes on here and I have to think there is truth in that.

As you say the press maybe is not so much outright racist but you can be sure that anyone in the limelight will spend time in the extremes of either positive or negative press, rarely does anyone famous spend a prolonged period of time in the middle where the media just let people be. The public unfortunately follow suit and either fuel that or are fueled by that, I am as guilty of it as anyone or have been in the past and try not to be as much now. But if we take Meghan for example not that I take too much interest but I can't see any real FACTS that influence me to have either a negative or positive view, the majority of it is all opinion or 3rd rate "poor girl done good" rhetoric which overlooks she was probably as sought after rich successful and beautiful woman as Harry would be on the male version. So for me I will just let her be and see her like anyone else.
I do however question their decision to be interviewed by Oprah. It’s their prerogative to do so but they did say they wanted to get out of the spotlight.
I always thought the same, but they both live in Montecito near Santa Barbara, so it probably feels less "strange" since everyone in that area is mega mega mega rich and TV savvy.
There definitely is a lot of racism. The difference in the angle the newspapers present essentially the same story when it relates to her vs the taller white one is exactly the same as they do with black vs white footballers. The thing Raheem Sterling is good at highlighting:
It’s the daily nazi…. It’s what’s expected
Just as the article quoted above is the guardian p, which may as well be the NY times
I actually can’t think of a decent news outlet that isn’t one extreme now…