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Harry Kane MBE

I'm getting so much abuse in work because at the end of last season I was asked what he was like and responded 'Nothing special, I'd say he'll end up a t West Brom or a lower/mid table team for the rest of his career'.

I think the outpouring of praise is because so many fans had such a harsh prejudice on the guy from a young age. I admit that when i first saw him in the Europa League I didn't think much of him, despite the Spurs coaches waxing lyrical about him.

However to still say he would end up as a low end perm player after he scored 3 in 6 and looked 7/10 at the back end of last year was very very harsh. In fact, if you took away his first few appearances as a gangly 18/19 year old and all we saw of him was from last season onwards, i think people would have been pretty excited IMO
I think the outpouring of praise is because so many fans had such a harsh prejudice on the guy from a young age. I admit that when i first saw him in the Europa League I didn't think much of him, despite the Spurs coaches waxing lyrical about him.

However to still say he would end up as a low end perm player after he scored 3 in 6 and looked 7/10 at the back end of last year was very very harsh. In fact, if you took away his first few appearances as a gangly 18/19 year old and all we saw of him was from last season onwards, i think people would have been pretty excited IMO

I can't remember the exact point at which I said it, but yeh your probably right. Although e honestly reminded me of Shane Long or the likes, lumbering, decent enough at holding the ball up and would score the odd goal from time to time, but really, nothing special.

As some have mentioned in the thread already, he seems to have gained a yard of pace from somewhere. In all honesty it's pretty incredible the rate that he has improved.
Yeh it was about Dembele I was only messing. He probably did say it though!

Sent from my Magellanic flightless steamer duck using Rufous gnateater

He said he found it hard to motivate Dembele. Then made what I thought was a joke about that he told him if he plays well he'd get a move to Madrid.

You can't take every comment someone makes like that seriously can you?

I mean you weren't serious when you said:

I've got 3-1 so come on Swansea! Plus I want Poch sacked....


To be honest, I want him to keep the job. I'd find it hilarious if he got us relegated then I wouldn't have to support such a **** team anymore and I could follow rugby.
He said he found it hard to motivate Dembele. Then made what I thought was a joke about that he told him if he plays well he'd get a move to Madrid.

You can't take every comment someone makes like that seriously can you?

I mean you weren't serious when you said:




You've got too much time on your hands Modric. Night night.

Sitting on my porcelain throne using Fapatalk
Piece by Jim White in the Telegraph today:

As an indication of how things have changed at Tottenham this season, the subtle alteration in one of the fans’ chants is as accurate a barometer as any. Immediately after his £26 million transfer from Valencia in 2013, the centre-forward Roberto Soldado was greeted with a chorus of:
“Soldado, he came from sunny Spain, to play at White Hart Lane.”
It was a celebratory air: that someone of Soldado’s prowess had chosen to pursue his trade in north London was reckoned something worthy of acclaim. Latterly, however, the Spaniard’s sporadic contributions on the pitch have been differently serenaded.
“Soldado,” goes the new variation on the chant, “he came from sunny Spain, to train with Harry Kane.”
An expensive, established foreign talent now playing second fiddle to a 21-year-old local lad: as a marker of the sudden, dramatic shift in football dynamic at Spurs it could not be more telling. Suddenly, instead of relying on pricey imports, it is a young man from Chingford, who graduated through the Tottenham youth ranks, who is supplying the goals. And lots of them, too - 17 so far this season.

It is a change that has put a spring in the step of Spurs supporters, thrilled that their team is being led by a youngster who is not only local, not only a fellow fan, but seemingly of genuine class. At White Hart Lane they now chant loud and long about the merits of “Harry Kane, he’s one of our own”. And this about a player that many anticipated would spend the season on loan elsewhere.
“I remember having a chat with some fellow supporters back in the summer and I said I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry Kane ended up being our number one striker by the end of the season. And one of my mates actually laughed in my face,” says the Tottenham blogger Chris Miller, who first saw Kane play as a 15-year-old for the club’s under 18s. “But even so, no one predicted the sort of impact he has had.”
It was after Tottenham’s victory against Chelsea, in which Kane scored two while eviscerating the visitors’ renowned defence, that Miller says the fans began to realise quite what a revolutionary time this was. As if rare victory over Chelsea were not cause enough for celebration, here was a Spurs side being driven by a player who might have been whistled down from the stands just before kick off.
“Nobody thought he was the guy who was going to give that performance against Chelsea," added Miller. "A world class display against a top-class defence like that from one of our own? Nobody saw that coming.”

Except, perhaps, Harry Kane. Although only 21, Kane has always been a player with an unwavering confidence in his own abilities.
“For me, the quality that made him stand out as a youngster was this incredible self-belief,” says Les Ferdinand, the former under-21 coach at Tottenham, now at Queen’s Park Rangers. “What he was he was very single minded. He always knew precisely where he wanted to go.”
And where he wanted to go was always to Tottenham. Born in Walthamstow, just five miles from White Hart Lane, to a family of passionate Spurs supporters, Kane attended Chingford Foundation School, the educational establishment that boasts David Beckham among its former pupils. Although football was important in his family, none of his relatives were particularly distinguished players.
Kane, however, was noticed at an early age. When he was eight, and playing for Ridgeway Rovers, the same junior club where Beckham and Andros Townsend began their careers, he was spotted by an Arsenal scout and spent a year at the club’s academy before being released. Which must have been an interesting detour as he was already a regular in the stands at White Hart Lane. He was then picked up by Watford, before being again let go. He finally arrived at Spurs as an eleven year old.
The reason he did not initially turn heads in the academy system was that he wasn’t big and he wasn’t particularly quick, the two attributes much valued in youth development.
“I first saw Harry when, as the under-18 coach, I would take the under-14s once a week,” says Alex Inglethorpe, the former Tottenham Academy director, now working at Liverpool. “Harry would have been 13 at the time, and given that his is a late July birthday, he was still playing catch up with some of the group from a physical perspective. But he was always a promising technician and a very genuine young man with a wonderful desire to improve.”
As he began to grow he could marry his skill to a gathering physicality.
“When he first came into the under-18s as a 15 year old, he stood out in the sense he looked a bit gangly,” recalls Miller. “He moved slightly awkwardly, he was a bit cumbersome. But look closer, he had a lot of ability, a great technique. I think he surprised people how good he was. Tactically he was very flexible. He often played in midfield. I remember seeing him once playing as a holding midfielder.”
But it was his attitude that most impressed those who worked with him.
“Harry was always someone who was going to get better just by the sheer volume of work he was willing to do, and by the mentality he would demonstrate on a daily basis to invest in himself. He had a fantastic desire to improve and would always want to do extra work at the end of a session,” recalls Inglethorpe. “He became obsessive about his finishing in all its various forms and would dedicate a huge amount of time to improve these aspects of his game.”
All that practice paid off: as anyone who has seen him in action this season will recognise he rarely misses the target, hitting the ball hard and low towards the corner of the goal.
“We worked a lot on his shooting,” says Ferdinand, who conducted endless individual sessions at the young player’s request. “I always said to Tim [Sherwood, then Ferdinand’s colleague working with the Tottenham u-21s], his movement reminds me of [Teddy] Sheringham, in that he drops into holes and automatically takes up clever positions. But he strikes ball like Alan Shearer. Look at Alan’s goals, a lot of them are hit with pure venom. He very rarely tapped in. Harry’s like that. When he hits them, they’re going in.”
But what has made the real difference this season has been that his finishing has been conducted for the benefit of the first team. Under Sherwood’s direction, Tottenham had embraced a policy of sending out young players on loan, allowing other clubs to carry out research and development on their behalf.

Kane himself had spells of indifferent return at Orient, Millwall, Leicester and Norwich. And while Sherwood, in his brief spell as manager, had given Kane his first team debut, it was the arrival of Mauriccio Pochettino that saw the player gifted a decent run, tasked with the responsibility of leading the line.
“For some time there had been a lot of talk about the Spurs academy, and how the club was investing in bringing through its own,” says Martin Cloake, a long-time season ticket holder. “But there hadn’t been much evidence of that. I’d increasingly thought it was PR guff. And I think among supporters too there was a sense that the way to get success was to buy in established talent. So in a way it was a surprise to see a foreign manager come in and apparently take the view that the best prospects were those under his nose.”
It is the connection between the player on the pitch and the fan in the stand that has so enthused the supporters, bringing a noticeably feelgood edge to this, yet another of Tottenham’s traditional seasons of transition.
“There’s a natural pleasure in seeing one of us succeed,” says Cloake. “The last player we could really identify with like that was Steve Perryman. Not just somebody wearing the shirt for a couple of years before heading off to a better offer. That sense of identity has been lost for many supporters, not just at Spurs. I guess Kane has been so seized upon because he represents a return to old values. Having someone who cares for the club as much as you do, who’s a fan like you, it’s a nice reaction to what’s happening with football generally.”
And Kane may well be the harbinger of a conveyor belt of academy promise. As well as Townsend, Ryan Mason and Nabil Benteleb, who have already become first team regulars alongside him, Pochettino is said to be impressed by the claims of Kenny McIlvoy, Harry Winks, Connor Ogilvie, Kyle Walker-Peters and Milos Veljkovic.
“I’d started to lose the belief that our youngsters would ever be given a proper chance,” says Chris Miller. “I’d really lost hope. So it’s nice we’ve got a manager who has faith in young players.”
As for Kane, the next step is into a slightly different white shirt. After his display against Chelsea, Marca, the Spanish newspaper, declared him one of Europe’s brightest talents. A call up for the national team – while not exactly at the top of the Tottenham fans’ wish list for the player – is imminent. For Ferdinand, international recognition cannot come soon enough. Kane has, Ferdinand reckons, the mental and tactical agility to embrace such promotion with aplomb.
“I’d call Harry a nine and half,” he says of the player’s flexibility. “He can hold up the ball, back to goal as well as any. He’s very dynamic in his movement, wants to be heading towards goal every time he gets the ball. But if he needs to drop back and thicken up the midfield, play as a No10, he has football intelligence to pick up right positions.
"He has got in great shape. If you’d have asked me three years ago what was his drawback, I’d have said maybe he lacked a bit of pace. But you wouldn’t say that now watching him in the Premier League. He’s found a way to work.
He knows where the goal is, knows what he wants to do, knows how to get there. I tell you what Harry Kane is, he’s the thinking man’s player.”
In which case, it would be little wonder if Roberto Soldado did indeed relish the prospect of training alongside him.
Piece by Jim White in the Telegraph today:

As an indication of how things have changed at Tottenham this season, the subtle alteration in one of the fans’ chants is as accurate a barometer as any. Immediately after his £26 million transfer from Valencia in 2013, the centre-forward Roberto Soldado was greeted with a chorus of:
“Soldado, he came from sunny Spain, to play at White Hart Lane.”
It was a celebratory air: that someone of Soldado’s prowess had chosen to pursue his trade in north London was reckoned something worthy of acclaim. Latterly, however, the Spaniard’s sporadic contributions on the pitch have been differently serenaded.
“Soldado,” goes the new variation on the chant, “he came from sunny Spain, to train with Harry Kane.”
An expensive, established foreign talent now playing second fiddle to a 21-year-old local lad: as a marker of the sudden, dramatic shift in football dynamic at Spurs it could not be more telling. Suddenly, instead of relying on pricey imports, it is a young man from Chingford, who graduated through the Tottenham youth ranks, who is supplying the goals. And lots of them, too - 17 so far this season.

Made me laugh, but harsh on Soldado that. Has anyone actually heard this sung at a match? Sounds more like something from the pub, or the author's imagination.

“There’s a natural pleasure in seeing one of us succeed,” says Cloake. “The last player we could really identify with like that was Steve Perryman. Not just somebody wearing the shirt for a couple of years before heading off to a better offer. That sense of identity has been lost for many supporters, not just at Spurs. I guess Kane has been so seized upon because he represents a return to old values. Having someone who cares for the club as much as you do, who’s a fan like you, it’s a nice reaction to what’s happening with football generally.”
Not sure how any ST holder can forget Ledley with 'MY ONE AND ONLY CLUB' written so large at the Lane.
Never heard it sung at a game (soldado/Kane song) would imagine the reporter has seen it posted on forums and used a bit of poetic license...

You're right about King, also Mabbut and Hoddle prior to him as well. Home grown forwards though, banging in the goals - gotta be a dream scenario for all involved that!
Piece by Jim White in the Telegraph today: ....

And Kane may well be the harbinger of a conveyor belt of academy promise. As well as Townsend, Ryan Mason and Nabil Benteleb, who have already become first team regulars alongside him, Pochettino is said to be impressed by the claims of Kenny McIlvoy, Harry Winks, Connor Ogilvie, Kyle Walker-Peters and Milos Veljkovic.

No mention of Alex Pritchard then? H'mm.

Ryan Fredericks neither. Okay most on GG reckon he is well out of the picture anyway, if for no other reason than the arrival of Yedlin, even so from what I've heard he's been making quite an impression at Middlesbrough.
They way the media have been praising Kane everywhere is a bit worrying. Don't want Kane to get big-headed and complacent. Even if he becomes very successful this season, he still needs to perform consistently every season.
No mention of Alex Pritchard then? H'mm.

Ryan Fredericks neither. Okay most on GG reckon he is well out of the picture anyway, if for no other reason than the arrival of Yedlin, even so from what I've heard he's been making quite an impression at Middlesbrough.

Didn't mention Onomah either but he has a big reputation as has been backed up with him being named on the bench for several matches now.
No mention of Alex Pritchard then? H'mm.

Ryan Fredericks neither. Okay most on GG reckon he is well out of the picture anyway, if for no other reason than the arrival of Yedlin, even so from what I've heard he's been making quite an impression at Middlesbrough.

Whoever that guy is has tried to do his research and essentially has made that list up. McEvoy is bang average and always has been. I'd be shocked if he ever played one minute for the first team.

Onomah is the next one in line and is going very well in first team training by all accounts. Dominic ball has seen a rapid promotion and seems to be favoured as is winks.

Some of those guys listed will almost certainly never play for us over ones not even mentioned. Strange article in truth.

Your right about Federicks - he has done better than predicted, hence its a little shame that Yedlin will probably mean he never plays for us again. I admit to not being a big fan, but doing so well in the champ is no mean feat
Whoever that guy is has tried to do his research and essentially has made that list up. McEvoy is bang average and always has been. I'd be shocked if he ever played one minute for the first team.

Onomah is the next one in line and is going very well in first team training by all accounts. Dominic ball has seen a rapid promotion and seems to be favoured as is winks.

Some of those guys listed will almost certainly never play for us over ones not even mentioned. Strange article in truth.

Your right about Federicks - he has done better than predicted, hence its a little shame that Yedlin will probably mean he never plays for us again. I admit to not being a big fan, but doing so well in the champ is no mean feat

Could Fredericks be used as a winger? Potential Lennon replacement? All I know of him is his appearance in the Europa, he was very quick and put in some decent crosses. I hope we find a place for our talented youngsters in the squad.