Terry Dyson
If we are gunning top 4 its not enough to keep a player because he scores. He needs to be contributing when he is not scoring.
Even if its kane. I'd take the risk that another striker could score as many as we do get many crosses into the box. Just that its Kane scoring doesn't mean no other can.
I would cash in now BEFORE he stops scoring as I am convinced his performance decline is permanent from accumulated ankle injuries.
With 18 months left on his contract I think his contract will be up before he stops scoring unless he signs an extension. May be the right reason to cash in both for decline and contract reasons, but his fee won't be what it once would have been come the summer.
He does a lot even when not scoring. He doesn't run or press as much as he once did, but other than that he contributes a lot to our overall game as long as he gets the ball in even half decent situations. Imo he's still our best and most important player.
May still be the right move to sell him. But not for the reason of not contributing other than scoring.
Son is much more guilty of not contributing to overall play.