I believe the acids created by extreme stress can have a very very fast and horrific effect on the body when it comes to helping cancers grow. Stress is such an enormous killer.
As I am quite a perceptive observer I noticed that when I was in NICU with my wife, both of our hands/lower arms became inflammed, this IMO is akin to immunaglobin g (allergen response), so it may be that acids become much more allergen like to the body (nearly all those who had more premature/ill babies seemed to suffer from this more intensely which matches the higher stress profile, though of course every parent is different), but I think it is simply that under the duress of intense stress the body goes usually slightly catabolic, metabolising fats for energy, mostly bad fats it seems (though always via carbonic acid I believe) that along with the stress the organs feel from the emotional shock makes them perform sluggishly or down right sulk!
This means that when we washed our hands in the highly alkaline soap our body started to excrete acids in that area to free the burden, as our lymphatic fluids become overwhelmed with the scale of acid and stop/slow flowing, and/or the liver becoming stressed hence sluggish or calcium/ldl may start forming into arterial plaque or gallstones if hdl/vit c/vit D/Vit K2 are not sufficiently present in the diet/stored in tissue (to clean up after the stress diminishes), digestion becomes affected, good magnesium is vital), the adrenal glands start stressing and good sodium is very important (plus sleeping between 11pm-1am to help heal/regenerate). It takes a strong burst of alkaline minerals to bring the body over the top of these type of reactions from my direct and recent experience(!)
It is this type of event which lays the foundation of profound illness IMO, unless you are blessed genetically and untarnished by modern living.
Nutrition is the f*cking daddy, especially when under heavy conditions, you essentially need to become like an athlete in terms of putting stuff in IMO unless your fats are high quality and your emotional and physical state is A1.
I used to say I followed and alkaline diet, but rather it is a hydrid acid/alkaline diet.
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