I don't see how a ballot is fair at all. For members, the system has always revolved around first come first served. It wasn't ideal, but it's the same for most big gigs, festivals, theatre shows etc etc. If you want to go that much, make yourself (or a friend) available to get a bloody ticket when they come on sale.
How the hell is having an application period, that then takes no account for loyalty points, a fairer system?? Whether it's for one season or not!
It's basically an admission that the poxy system won't be able to cope with the demand! And yet, surely there'll be the same number of people applying all season as usual, just less seats to distribute around.
I for one would rather take my chances on the system knowing I was the one in control of where i sit, than have some back end ballot system sort it!
At the very least they should've allowed a scheme where you can't win more than, say, 5 games all season. That would at least give us all a fair shout.