Ramon Vega
Details of revenue distribution for 2012-13 EL have been announced by UEFA.
Teams will receive €1.3m (2011-12: €1.0m) for participating in the group stage plus €200,000 for each win and €100,000 for each draw (2011-12: €140,000 and €70,000). Further amounts are awarded for each knockout stage reached. The EL winner will receive a total of €7.0m (2011-12: €4.6m) from progressing through the knockout rounds.
In addition, the teams will receive a share of the market pool of €83.5m (2011-12: €60m) distributed according to the proportional value of each television market of the countries participating at each round. Spurs will also benefit from the English share of the market pool being divided between 3 teams this season (assuming Liverpool and Saudi Sportswashing Machine reach the group stage) compared to 4 English teams in the groups last year. Assuming it's shared between 3, I estimate the English teams will each receive around €2.8m (2011-12: €1.5m) from the market pool for the group stage.
Peanuts, you make your money from the Europa League out of extra match day revenue (ticket sales/pies etc).