Anybody remember the Greens in the late 80s? UKIP are today's Green Party, temporarily fashionable.
Mike Thornton, Liberal Democrats - 13,342
Diane James, Ukip - 11,571
Maria Hutchings, Conservative party - 10,559
John O'Farrell, Labour party- 4,088
Danny Stupple, Independent - 768
Iain McClenann, National Health Action - 392
Ray Hall, Beer, Baccy and Crumpet party - 235
Kevin Milburn, Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship" - 163
Howling "Laud" Hope, Monster Raving Loony William Hill party - 136
Jim Duggan, Peace party - 128David Bishop, Elvis Loves Pets party - 72
Michael Walters, English Democrats "Putting England First!" - 70
Daz Proctor, Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts - 62
Colin Bex, Wessex Regionalists - 30
There were 90 spoilt ballots.
Lib Dem majority 1,771 (4.26%)
19.34% swing Liberal Democrat to Ukip since 2010
Electorate 79,004; Turnout 41,616 (52.68%, down 16.61% on 2010)
Even with the promise of a referendum the people still voted for UKIP in their droves..
Its an embarassment for the conservatives. Hopefully this is the emergence now of UKIP to be serious challengers.
I dont understand why David Cameron would advocate; gay marriage, Foreign Aid, Green energy, etc so much when he knows his core voters are pretty much against all three.
Its like Labour pledging to cut welfare, immigration, and the trade unions!!
Anybody remember the Greens in the late 80s? UKIP are today's Green Party, temporarily fashionable.
Gord, you were fantastic in Apocalypse Now.
"I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. It's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor … and surviving."
i like the fact UKIP are getting a growing votership (well, by their own rhetoric and two bi-elections they are) as the UK needs a bit of a political shake up.
but as far as taking them seriously goes - let's wait until they actually win a seat shall we.
personally i don't think they will as when it comes to the crunch they don't have anything other than "it's the EU's fault" as a policy - whatever the subject matter may be.
anyone remember the referendum party?!?
Saying that tho its quite easy to link many of the countries problems to the EU and open door immigration/freedom of movement policy.
Crime rates, overcrowded prisons, soft sentencing, strain on NHS, strain on schools, unemployement numbers, lack of social housing, benefit bill, EU human rights, etc, etc.
The only benefit of EU membership seems to be the trade agreement... Which other European countries have got without the EU membership so why cant we?
For over 50mil a day we just seem to be getting mugged off
That reference has gone completely over my head but I sense that I've just had the tinkle ripped.
There is a difference between having trade and having free trade agreements. Europe trades with the US, but there is no free trade agreement in law. If Britain decides to slap a tariff on US exports or vice versa, they can.
An example is Norway, where the French slapped an import tariff on Norwegian Salmon (I think) and in retaliation Norway put a big tariff on French cheese. The fact is that without the EU, European trade comes down to the whims of governments. If we leave and it becomes politically convenient to make British goods uncompetitive in Europe, they can. If we stay in, they can't.
We may not get back more than we pay in directly (especially since Blair gave away part of the rebate for quite literally nothing) but the benefit to the economy for British businesses makes up for it. Remember trade is not a zero sum game, free trade makes everybody better off.