Who is expecting the best? I work in a low wage job, I'm not expecting holidays in Barbados, as nice as that would be!
I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. There seems to me to be a bigger sense of entitlement from SOME of those on middle incomes whose attitude is "Well, I earn £xxxx amount, I pay £xxxx amount of tax, so my life should be VASTLY better than anybody in receipt of any benefits. And I don't think it is VASTLY better, because I read in the paper that ALL BENEFIT CLAIMANTS get given foreign holidays and Rolex watches, simply because they EXPECT them! THESE PEOPLE SHOULD BE PUNISHED TO IMPROVE MY RELATIVE STANDING IN LIFE!"
I don't think that everybody feels that way, but there is something to that sentiment. It's like a perverse version of the 'politics of envy.' Infact, I think this attitude is far more prevalent than the tradtional politics of envy, certainly on the emperor penguin.
People can get stuck in situations, it's not necessarily about being 'feckless' or some bullsh1t cliche. Let's say you're a bloke in your 50's, you hurt your back at work and end up 'on the sick.' After a time, your back feels better, but the job you did have is long gone. You have no qualifications, you've only done unskilled work and, financially, there isn't much between staying where you are (i.e. on the sick) and getting a minimum wage job. And this assumes that, as an unskilled worker in your 50's, with a gap in your employment, that anyone will bother to employ you anyway. There are people like this (and I know some personally) and they get stuck where they are. I don't want them to have a lower standard of living than me, just because I happen to work full-time in a low wage, sh1tty job.