Jimmy Neighbour
We spend what we generate as a club - I'm happy with that - it's how the other clubs operate it'show you evaluate your standing. You can spend your time wishing we were run like City or how Chelsea used to be but the liklihood of that being how a new owner operates are slim to none.
Leicester a 5000/1 shot coming in proves nothing - it's an aberration. Let's see where they are and where we are on 5 years
I'm not advocating for spending like City or Chelsea. I'm fine with spending what we generate, yet even within those confines we set ourselves a lower limit than everyone else. Our wages to turnover ratio is lower than every other clubs that's a decision that was made out of choice. Our choice, so again please let's not plead poverty when we are the ones deciding to our ceiling lower than others.
My issue with Levy though is not the amount spent on transfers or the wage level restrictions. My complaints are of a practical nature, his inability to understand the bigger picture. His inability to prioritise the squads development over feeling like he got one over in a negotiation. The man is the opposite of decisive, one day he might realise prolonging negotiations until the very last day of the transfer window to save a million here or there actually costs us more in the long term. Or selling a player for a fee he deems unacceptable is better than keeping that player for an additional year and paying them more in wages than the difference between the fees he was offered and what he thinks is right.
The man needs to be moved as far away from the football side as possible.