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Daniel Levy - Chairman

(2) a few fans who no matter what we do its never enough and can not wait to slag of the board

Disagree, read two again. But the point is you had a slight dig at some fans by using the phrase " superfans" and that my friend is just has bad as me calling you a moaning minnie ( not that i would).

I don't think the term "Superfan" applies to many on here (not you just so we're clear) but without naming names, they are definitely some unfortunately who don't fully read entire posts and just pick out the bits they perceive to be negative and fail to see any constructive criticism.
We do do business early when all the cards fall correctly for our first choice. That needs agreement between both clubs and the player.

However, how often is the first choice available early? We may have more ambitious choice that we pursue early, but lose out because the player prefers someone else or the club won't sell at that time and price. The player may be looking at other options, we might not be his first choice or he might be holding out for a higher wages from us or someone else. The other club will want to see if they can get a better offer for the player or they may need to evaluate replacements, with all the complexities that these other transfers bring. Each transfer involves several parties with myriad options and transfers are interconnected with dependence on other transfers that are similarly dependent on others. It needs all to fall into place for the deals to be done. The transfer window focuses minds on what can be done and that is why many deals are done late, not an preference for brinkmanship. The alternative is settling early which may mean paying more or getting an inferior player.
Tbh none of us truly know what it's really like, but we are speculating as we do as fans. Just a healthy debate. I'm not mad, just curious
On reflection it looks like a decent window. Of course we'd like the transfers done early, as undoubtedly would Levy and Poch. But it seems like we've done good business, I'm sure it was down to a lot of hard work, and not just a case of let's see what we can pick up on deadline day!
I don't think the term "Superfan" applies to many on here (not you just so we're clear) but without naming names, they are definitely some unfortunately who don't fully read entire posts and just pick out the bits they perceive to be negative and fail to see any constructive criticism.

That does not make them "superfans" mate, more like confused ( trying really hard to be nice about it :)). I think most fans get frustrated with those that are "never happy" and always think more could/should be done without knowing the first thing about running a pro football club. Of course i do not include some of those who do fun stuff on puters because they know everything about running a pro football club. ;)
No but that's not the point. We are in a unique position in that we have to wait until United, Emirates Marketing Project etc spend their money before we can buy players, but everyone else above and below us can do their business as early as they like? That seems to be what some posters are getting at.
We cant compete financially with the teams above us and we want the same quality of players. We will beat the teams below us financially with the teams below us but we want a better quality of player.
No but that's not the point. We are in a unique position in that we have to wait until United, Emirates Marketing Project etc spend their money before we can buy players, but everyone else above and below us can do their business as early as they like? That seems to be what some posters are getting at.

Thats kind of it. Look at who/what we are, and look at where we are. We are unique, and oddity.

We are competing so far out of our depth its ridiculous, and I honestly cant think of another team in our position (awaits a few really obvious responses that escape me in this moment!).

Size wise, financially, we are somewhere around 6th. We should be shoulder to shoulder with Everton, Saudi Sportswashing Machine and West Ham, or alike.

League wise, in terms of performance, we have been consistent top 4 contenders for a decade and have just had back to back tilts at the title.

The two things dont add up!

We want players a cut above what our peers want, but cant afford to compete with our rivals on the players that would improve us.

Its madening, and its the fine line Levy manages to tread. Not always with success, but with far more success than not.

I realise most fans of most clubs could point to ways in which they are unique or special - but with us we really are in a distinct position and really do have to work in a different sort of way.

I can see this argument, but I'm also not 100% sure it's true.

If we'd tried to wrap up the Aurier signing 2 or 3 weeks earlier, would it have made any difference in terms of our rivals? Emirates Marketing Project had already bought their full-backs, and no other rival bought a right back between then and now.

On the flip side, Chelsea were also interested in Llorente despite us waiting until the last day, but he chose to come to us and the fee was relatively low.

So your theory makes sense in theory, but in practice I'm not sure it's true - at least not for the players we've ended up signing.

I agree that our signings come fairly late because a lot of our targets would prefer to join our rivals. But then I think there's a further delay because once a player has decided he really wants to come to us, over any of our rivals, Levy has more negotiating power at the end of the window as clubs more often than not don't want an unhappy player on their hands.

Utd apparently wanted a RB and Aurier specifically in the last couple of weeks. And, Utd and Mourinho would happily fudge with us had we shown our hand too soon. Chelsea wanted Aurier as well, though apparently Levy nobbled them by negotiating an exclusivity clause and they ended up with a player from Torino Ive never heard of. Chelsea, again, a club that will gladly see messing up our deals as a win.

Llorente, honestly I dont know. I can only assume we made a positive impression on him which made us a more appealing destination. He was rumoured to be reuniting with Conte for weeks, but the deal never materialised, maybe he got fed up being strung along?

This is kind of the catch. We can only really talk in broad strokes because we simply do not know enough of the detail. So if I (or anyone) put forward an argument, it is "in general" and so of course can be countered with specific examples.

I think "in general" the theory holds up, whether you do or not is of course your prerogative, neither of us would be able to prove conclusively either way!

And yes, Levy does have more negotiating power, which can only be good for us. He has pushed it too far and lost out in the past, but again its one of those more good than bad situations for me.
And we are fishing in a pretty shallow pool. There are not a huge number of players that would improve us but are within our budget.

This is key.

Realistically there are but 2 or 3 players in a given position we can A) afford and B) attract. If we tipped our hand early we could easily be left missing out.
I can see this argument, but I'm also not 100% sure it's true.

If we'd tried to wrap up the Aurier signing 2 or 3 weeks earlier, would it have made any difference in terms of our rivals? Emirates Marketing Project had already bought their full-backs, and no other rival bought a right back between then and now.

On the flip side, Chelsea were also interested in Llorente despite us waiting until the last day, but he chose to come to us and the fee was relatively low.

So your theory makes sense in theory, but in practice I'm not sure it's true - at least not for the players we've ended up signing.

I agree that our signings come fairly late because a lot of our targets would prefer to join our rivals. But then I think there's a further delay because once a player has decided he really wants to come to us, over any of our rivals, Levy has more negotiating power at the end of the window as clubs more often than not don't want an unhappy player on their hands.

Aurier wouldn't have gotten a work permit until his court case was sorted. Any attempt to go in early would just have alerted others to our intentions.
I'm sounding ungrateful. I think we've signed at least 3 fantastic players and potentially more. They've done a terrific job, but I just don't necessarily agree with the "enter the market late in the day" idea.

Ideally we would have all our deals done before pre season, and then have the last few days to see if there are any steals around - but only from an opportunist point of view. That must surely be the best way to work?

The logic is simple for me. If we could get in and get done early, I see absolutely no reason why we wouldnt. So for me the way we work MUST be out of necessity.

Is it frustrating? Oh hell yeah!
We have not really improved our attacking options from the bench , save Llorente. Who gives us the option of a high ball into the box.
I would imagine Poch will be a bit disappointed. Do we have enough to compete in the cups as well? Last year Eriksen and Ali were pretty injury free. Ali is suspended for the first three games - we are going to find it tough.
We havent improved our attacking options, except for the striker we bought. Who does offer a plan B, but it does a disservice to him to describe him as only a high ball player.

And this is the same attack that scored the most in the league last season.

That will be further strengthened by the return of Lamela.

We have added defensive cover and depth, and adapted the squad more to the 3-5-2 we played predominantly last season. Perhaps the thinking is that with Aurier and Sanchez we will have players that can push up more effectively from deep actually helping the attack?

I do think a pacey dribbler would have added a dimension/option, but I also think it is something that is not nearly as important as so many make out.
We have not really improved our attacking options from the bench , save Llorente. Who gives us the option of a high ball into the box.
I would imagine Poch will be a bit disappointed. Do we have enough to compete in the cups as well? Last year Eriksen and Ali were pretty injury free. Ali is suspended for the first three games - we are going to find it tough.

I think you're doing Llorente a disservice the guy is good with the ball at his feet as well, the only real weakness I see in his game is his lack of mobility.