Gary Stevens
Funnily, I was just reading the plans for televising the games and thinking it will actually be very useful in stopping people going out quite so much, possibly.
Even with your argument above, which I'm not I agree with, but also seems a reasonable position, so I'm not sure I disagree with it either - the key question that comes out of it for me is, what makes premier League football more important than league 2, than cricket, than rugby etc. Edit - i meant to add, because calling it a national pastime disenfranchises anyone that doesn't like football. How can it be justified to prioritize football over other large uptake entertainment?
And maybe that is it, the numbers of customers is huge, so it can be justified. That makes sense. But then brings me back to business sizes - surely the same kind of rules can apply. And theatre - can theatres now do outdoor performances and broadcast them? Maybe they can.
I guess there is something symbolic about the PL. Is it the richest league in the world?
Tennis has been allowed for some time right? You'd think enterprising people might have got that going. I guess all the activity surrounding the game is an issue too. The chess world have been quite clever moving games online. But its not a long term solution as people can cheat with computers.