I think Oscar has the ability to sit deeper and dictate for Brazil
I think Oscar has the ability to sit deeper and dictate for Brazil
GDS is eligible to play for Brazil.
Brilliant, yet he'd struggle against Ryan ShawcrossGio's destroyed Marcelo.
Brilliant, yet he'd struggle against Ryan Shawcross
We love those powerful Brazilians don't we? Paulinho and Sandro. Not good, typical Brazilian footballers where they rely on dribbling, good passing etc. but ones who can beat a man with a surging run.
Would still love an Oscar, Bernard, Lucas type though.
The fact that some one is not typical does not mean they are not good
Obviously they are good, I meant more easy on the eye. You look at Sandro play and you wouldn't think he was Brazilian. Maybe because he does the dirty work so well? I mean he covers ground well, puts in his epic tackles, but he doesn't really pass and move, he doesn't try his skills, his touch isn't the greatest etc.