hhmm! Bit sweeping.. in that case, no one would be voting Ukip.
I have to say that I disagree.. my main gripe at the moment is actually to do with the BBC on this issue.. and specifically that of BBC London news. Last week it was like watching a Ethnic News channel in London, recently there drum has been beating about these girls going out to support ISIS and how these communities need to start in the family home. Blah Blah... sometimes I watch it thinking is this London news. People should watch it on the sky channel instead of there own local BBC news where you can watch the local bbc news wherever at 6:30pm. Around 960.
Of course, this week we find out that one of the girls that has gone has a father that goes on hate marches and stood alongside the Lee Rigsby killers and Choudary, as well as spouting hate towards the US. So now the previous week we have had these families say this needs doing by the Police, by the Government, in fact they should be looking closer to home, so the news channel was correct in doing the stories, but my gripe is this London news.
Its does seem right now that the BBC London news is typically BBC in its ideas. I want London news. Right now is so fricken annoying watching it focusing on Ethnic's way of life. Maybe I have let it annoy me more than it should, but when the first three or four stories are about generally, anything but about London, it starts to grate. I swear someone on that show has an agenda to fix the woes of Ethnics.