Re: INfant circumcision. The best one
Racism and slavery are obviously massive changes compared to male circumcision. Pointing out extreme cases where cultural relativism fails still points out why cultural relativism fails.
mate, my friend, buddy buddy..please dont take this rant as an attack but more something that stirs my gut from personal experience and experiences told to me all my life by others as i have grown up. i can understand that you believe your point and looking at it abstractly ....i could maaaaaybe understand? maaybe?
this first part is complete rubbish IMO and only gets churned out for support on people views about how to change things from a position of someone that has no clue about what that type of life is like. you think slavery and racism and all that it is tied to that can be tucked away as cultural relativism? Even extreme.... that goes beyond cultural relativism and right down into something i cant even put into words...utter abhorent behaviour that doesnt come about simply because of cultural differences but rather a deep seeded belief, hatred, and ignorance on another living person.
you think culture is the reason why millions of people, yes people, get butchered and discarded , segregated from families and all manner of atrocities done to them that you wouldn't even do on an actually believe that is down to a case of the extreme cultural relativism....something that you can link to like going to the pub to watch football on sunday
but to be honest it doesnt surprise me that an intellectual with no real understanding of a subject thinks they can talk about a subject and simplify it right down to a conceptual base and then link it to more trivial things and say "well hey..there was slavery got why not this...its comes from the saame thing"
have to laugh at that the issue between circumcision and the complete thuggery on a race is the same thing
you make a lot of good points.... except this one
Do you know anyone that argues that "western culture" has changed for the worse over the last 200 years?
yeah, extremists and people that are on the receiving end of 3rd world hardships, but again i personally dont think they understand that even though they may see things as global conspiracy at least what they deem or IMO wrongly perceive as atrocities is done in their face with no recourse in the name of GHod , country and race...
I implied the massive cultural changes you mention for the sake of argument, but there have been many much smaller improvements that are comparable to male circumcision. Surely you can think of a whole host of changes that have taken place yourself?
i can but only those that i think would invoke enough of a stir in my soul. i think of change and i think of small change and i think of social change on an entire gender or kids that dont have their lives mapped out for them even when they tell someone they dont want to do something (i see the irony in this last comment but still)
If it becomes a big problem for him then won't he have the choice to do something about it?
yes, i can see your point here and its really the only point here that you have that i think is by far the strongest. i just dont think its blood thirsty abusive carnage that you would like it to be in order to champion the a black woman gang raped for sport because its what her kind do you even compare the two? i mean really\?
And we agree that we should probably keep getting our medical opinions from doctors? Thus this is an unnecessary operation from a medical viewpoint, one that carries more risk than benefit. Something that has to be chosen by the patient...
but one would think that coming from you there are no benefits and people get it done just because they can.
The potential risks are huge, the operation itself has low risk percentage and the benefits are life lasting.....its the possible downside that makes the procedure unwarranted...its not a high risk procedure in itself
Interesting. To me the idea of parroting an argument (repeating it without thinking about it) is most definitely is an insult.
but was that your intention though? to inslut me? i didnt think it was hence i didnt take it as an insult? get it? if you were intentionally trying to insult me then thats a different thing all together :lol:
Culture obviously plays a big part in my life too, I'm not saying that culture is worthless or should be discarded. I'm saying that cultural traditions should be looked at with a sceptical eye and if there's a conflict between culture and rational morality the choice seems pretty straightforward.
tell me one thing culture plays a part for in your life that you feel you might be shackled to, something worthwhile...or even not worthwhile seeing as i dont think circumcision warrants a new world order type deal. I dont see it with you....sounds more like you have complete freedom to do as you please and no one would really care as much
Not quite sure what you're saying with the italicized part? Performing a circumcision removes the choice, he won't be able to chose for himself.
i cant see what that is from here, i'll double back after
No operation, no matter how small, is entirely safe. If that's not harm enough I redirect you again to the point that this is an issue of consent, no consent can be given, the operation is a voluntary one.
yes , same point of choice.
I was under the impression you live in the UK? Do you not plan to have your kid grow up there?
i do live here but my future will hold some back a forth...he wont grow up here completely, and he will be part raised back home
How much do you know about European history? Remember Yugoslavia for example? It has taken a lot for sure, it has taken time, the change has been largely generational.
i dont know that much about it unfortunately , but which change in Yugoslavia are you talking about, is it a big change that affects people right to life and freedom like you linked this with slavery for instance? As in the social realist evolution to what we have now?
I honestly dont know mate which you mean
I don't think you should have the right to choose to perform this operation on your son. You obviously do, and I cannot take this away from you. I only hope that in time the cultural shift will be such that this too will fall by the wayside of religious and cultural history.
It may do...i can say that in the next 100 years based on how the world is split in fortune and industry and secret ownership...i dont envisage this happening
"We" did believe in them, although it's closing in on 1000 years since Norway was made into a primarily Christian nation. No surprise this change was, shall we say influenced, by the sword. Much closer in time we got a half decent constitution in 1814, heavily inspired by the enlightenment and the French and American constitutions. Unlike the Americans, we (like the UK I believe?) have our freedom of speech and religion not quite directly from a constitution. But the general interpretation is fairly similar and the ideas of freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press can be traced back to the enlightenment and the renaissance, from there back through the Islamic nations that passed ideas from ancient Greece and Rome back to Europe at the end of the dark ages.
i thought it might, would i be right to say that change came by the sword and its leaders at a time when it suited their needs? Or when the majority finally agreed upon something, and felt that force was the way forward
In more modern times the changes have been gradual, incremental and not always directly reflected in law. We still have a blasphemy law on our books even, although it's been a while since anyone was tried for blasphemy luckily. Although not as long as one could wish, and trust me we still have a very long way to go. I imagine our progress has been fairly similar to the progress in the UK.
so you consider your region to be in the dark ages too in that matter then?
is circumcision common in your country? would you say its part of male culture
I believe that an intellectually honest evaluation of the evidence present to us leads to agnosticism and atheism.
I believe that a lot of people who outwardly present themselves as religious in more believing societies have privately abandoned their faith, but they pretend to still believe because of social and cultural pressure. There's even a support group in the US for priests who no longer have their faith, but are in a situation where they don't want to come out with that in public so they remain in the priesthood. For many who don't believe, but are surrounded by those who do honesty requires a whole lot of bravery and also sacrifice.
yeah i dont believe the bit in bold coming from my experience.
i also dont think that its automatically seen as honest just because some who thinks they operate with blank slate in most things immediately relating to them use pure logic to rationalise things. I thinks its looking at the matter at hand taking away inexplicable and non quantifiable variables and debating on what can be seen touched and measured. im not sure if that makes it "honestr"
the bit in italics is generalistion and i can confirm isnt nearly always as true as that statement makes out, though it does happen quite a bit and for the reason you claim
it requires a lot of bravery and sacrifice depending on the society one comes from...even a society within an accepting culture can be tough, yes i think i can agree on that part to do with people not believing in amongst those that are deep seeded believers in something that almost completely defines their existence
I don't think there's a dichotomy between not enlightened and enlightened, it's more of a continuum and there are many topics where people will vary along this continuum. I hope I have made myself clear that I see nothing wrong with holding the parts of a culture that can be seen as positive or neutral, something I think we can agree on. I believe the ideas of the enlightenment are lived up to better by those who do not hold religious beliefs and by those who are willing to look sceptically on their own culture and are willing to reject cultural ideas that are seen as harmful. It's a culture most certainly worth protecting.
and what if people with enlightenment still come to a conclusion you dont agree with?