Vivian Woodward
I do not think anyone is grouping all the away British fans as trouble makers, however i have been to more European away games then i care to remember and at ALL of them there was a section of our fans who wanted to act billy big gonads after getting a few sherbets down their throats. Its been that way for decades and alas it does not seem to be changing for the better. Milo has summed it up with his post earlier.
Frankly, as a country, we are largely ignorant and have an over inflated sense of our own worth. We have a blatantly xenophobic press that feeds the ignorance and politicians too scared to challenge the ignorance or those that peddle it
Frankly, as a country, we are largely ignorant and have an over inflated sense of our own worth. We have a blatantly xenophobic press that feeds the ignorance and politicians too scared to challenge the ignorance or those that peddle it