Except, well, we havent been lacking in attack at all, have we? I believe we scored marginally more goals last season with Davies than Rose. From accross the team, while largely dominating sides. Genuinely, Ive never seen the comment "I wish we had Rose there, we really miss him".
And I do believe Trippier has more of a positive in attack, even if he doesnt explictitly create space like Walker does ("as much", of course he does it).
And heres the thing, the stats with Davies tell me two things only.
Davies is more efficient/effective with the explicit action. His passes and crosses are more reliable because they hit the mark.
Rose throws a lot but only sticks the same amount as Davies.
You infer from that that Rose is creating space and opportunity in doing so. I wonder, what do you think Davies is doing?
Of course some of Roses wayward balls will bounce around and create something. The higher percentage though are going to be lost. Out of play, to the opposition, behind our attackers and so stilting our attacks... All in all the quantity over quality argument falls down, for me.
In the meantime, we know Davies passing and crosses are more likely to be successful. And while he isnt passing and crossing in an intentional attacking capacity he is still in the game. Providing width, keeping posession, linking play. All the while the ball isnt just thrown in its being used by the team in a constructive way.
This is my preference. Clearly you like Roses style more, as I said previously - we disagree, and thats football. Im quite comfortable with that.