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This thread reminds me of the what would they do if they weren't footballers image thread. A true classic.
No, I'm not wrong and I've said nothing wrong, but I didn't wanted to get on a debate such as this on the football part of a football forum and think it best to lock the thread to be honest.

It's an area I have very deep interest in - the psychology of terrorists/ fanatics. All I said was that there was a certain type of of person more predisposed to becoming some kind of fanatic - race or religion is not an issue in that - the only relevance it has is influencing what type of fanatic they could hypothetically become. And BAE has some of the basic character traits that COULD have led to him becoming a fanatic of one sort or another. I would actually say I possessed these traits and I COULD also have become some kind of fanatic in my younger years - which is why I recognise the traits in others.

Mind citing some of the sources to the information you used in reaching your conclusion?
Most of them would be lugging around sides of beef in an abattoir.

Not Lukaku though, he has got a diploma in tourism and public relations - so he could be prime minister... (of Belgium -if they have one).

Mata has a degree of some sort -I think it is marketing so he could be....ah I see the problem there....lugging around sides of beef in an abattoir.

And Glen Johnson is studying for a maths degree with the OU - part time presumably. Which means he will probably blow all his football earnings on trading ETFs or some kind of exotic derivatives.
Not Lukaku though, he has got a diploma in tourism and public relations - so he could be prime minister... (of Belgium -if they have one).

Mata has a degree of some sort -I think it is marketing so he could be....ah I see the problem there....lugging around sides of beef in an abattoir.

And Glen Johnson is studying for a maths degree with the OU - part time presumably. Which means he will probably blow all his football earnings on trading ETFs or some kind of exotic derivatives.

Bonsaiboy -mind letting us know what kind of fanatic you COULD have become?

Are we talking Jihadi beheader or EDL boot-boy?

Bonsaiboy has apologised for what he said now so i think it's only fair we end it there.

People are more than welcome to start a thread in random on the subject shoud they wish to continue the discussion.
I imagine if Andy Booth hadn't been any good at football then we'd have signed him from Sheffield Wednesday...

Annnnnnywho.... So his form would appear to be the basis of his lack of selection (plus he did go a bit mad at the World Cup which probably limited the possibility of a move further still) and wages would hamper a move for a player who views football as the same as any other career (in which case would you or I leave a place where we have a solid contact paying us x amount until a set date to go somewhere less glamourous for less money?)

But again it boils down to "our club pays him thousands and thousands to sit on his ****" which is a common theme lately! Is this statement that gets bandied about just another symptom of footballers becoming more and more removed from the fans who pay to watch them?

Surely we should be ****ed off with a player who has, in our eyes, done wrong regardless of how much they earn? If x player has bad form can't we just be arsey that they're not playing well or do we have to mention that they're getting £N,000 a week as if money is a factor in form?
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Is Benny actually in training at the club? What is his exact status?

I believe the term is 'seeing out his contract'

Cant remember when we renewed his contract but its our own fault really if we have an individual on 30-40k a week (take figures as a guess by me....dont know exactly) that is not doing anything for the club.

Cant blame him really.

people need to consider this when they are frustrated because we are not signing x y or z....

This is the sort of wastage we need to get rid of.... he is not the only one's wages we need freeing up.
he's done nothing unlawful has he ?

people choose sides, have different religions, and decide to drop out of the rat race all the time.

why not footballers?

running down the contract is exactly what the contract stipulates for him to do.
We all go on about Levy playing hardball for every penny in contract talks. So we offered what we thought was good at the time to keep a player who we, and our management regime at the time, thought was worth every penny.

We moan when a player leaves and we don't get a penny for them as they've run down their contract, we moan when a player asks to leave and doesn't fulfil the contract that was agreed initially. We can't have it every way!