Chris Perry
'Women Against *struggle cuddle* of those we have sympathy with'
A curious article positively clanging with cognitive dissonance.
A curious article positively clanging with cognitive dissonance.
=D> Good post.He released sensitive information. People will undoubtedly face repercussions as a result of some of the revelations of said information. However, arguing that he's a clown shoe for releasing it in the first place is disingenuous. The fact remains that by releasing the information he precipitated this present discussion about the release of 'sensitive' information; when is something too sensitive to be released? Because if anyone supposes that no information should be released on the grounds that it's 'sensitive' then eventually, almost anything vaguely embarrassing to anybody in power will be locked away on the grounds that it's 'sensitive'. We've already seen things like the US Apache attack footage hidden away because it was supposedly 'sensitive', despite the fact that all it did was show US troops committing atrocities. Would it potentially expose US troops to revenge attacks? Yes, it would, and probably did. However, hiding it away isn't something anyone should stand for, not in a supposedly liberal democracy. That would, and does, reek of hypocrisy.
In any case, Assange is, in my eyes, a bigger hypocrite than most. He praised Ecuador as '" a courageous Latin American nation (that) took a stand for justice". One of the most corrupt, unjust countries in Latin America is being praised by this supposedly moral and avowedly pro-justice bloke because they gave him a place to hide. I don't know if the US will extradite him when he sets foot outside the embassy, but I certainly think he's proven to the world just how much of a two-faced coward he really is, regardless of his supposed innocence or guilt. When the chips were down, he gave up all pretense of being a just and honest man and fled to the safety of a repressive regime. Deserving of all the opprobrium he gets? Certainly.
I think some things are kept secret for good reason
The way I see it wiki leaks takes a scattergun approach and just release everything they get their hands on whereas with a considered and targeted approach they would send a stronger message with a higher level of respect
Assuming you don't mean that wikileaks keep some things secret for good reason.
Who do you trust to make the decisions on what should be kept secret and what should be made official? Do you think those people are in charge of making those decisions?
Are things really being "kept secred" if a low ranked soldier can access hundreds of thousands of supposedly secret documents?
In a democracy, you vote for the people you trust. If you don't trust them, don't vote for them.
And even then, I would rather a select few I didn't trust over an open book policy, because I trust the general public even less.
In a democracy, you vote for the people you trust. If you don't trust them, don't vote for them.
And even then, I would rather a select few I didn't trust over an open book policy, because I trust the general public even less.
I agree 100% with that
and yes originally I meant government/state/law enforcement have a right (in some cases even an obligation) to keep things which are not in the public interest a secret
exactly, how is a few naked pics of a ginger bloke in the public interest?
anyone who claims to be interested in them should be locked up for being an idiot, although i'd say that about pretty much every story in the tabloids
the problem is that there is no context, they don't understand the information they release, they could easily put trade agreements or even lives in danger
i'm all for disclosure when laws are being broken but not everything is for the public eye
A free press should be there to inform you so you can make an assessment of who you trust and who you don't. Obviously it's not flawless, and the press definition of "free" is going to be at the loose end of the scale.
But in theory, in a democracy, if the people are fed up with jobs for the boys and corruption, then they should be able to form a poltical party/movement/group and get some traction. If there's enough dissatisfaction and angst, then change can happen.
Unfortunately, corruption generally exists and grows where there is apathy in the masses.
On the subject of a "free" press, I read regarding the naked Harry pics, the editor of The Sun said the public had a right to see the pics. What the?
If you're really interested in this thing, I strongly recommend you read this article by Birgitta Jonsdottir, member of the Icelandic Parliament and supporter of WikiLeaks. The U.S. tried to gain access to her Twitter account in order to obtain information for a grand jury investigation into WikiLeaks. Although she's had assurances from the U.S. ambassador in Iceland that she has free-passage into the U.S., her legal team along with the Icelandic Department of State, have strongly recommended that she refrain from visiting the U.S. because of this.
She also states with certainty that there is an ongoing investigation into WikiLeaks and that Assange would be sought by the U.S. Now, if this thing was so cut and dry, why don't Sweden simply give him the guarantee of not extraditing him overseas?