It did, I was obsessed my whole childhood and teens, wanted nothing more to be a professional snooker player then one day I just didn't, part of me wishes I saw it through too, there isn't a single player I played a lot with (plenty better than me) who made anything of themselves, it must be one of the toughest sports there is to "break". My coach was pretty well ranked but never qualified for the big ones, he used to tinkle off to the US most summers and make some good dough in all the 9-ball tournaments they have!
I think when it comes to hand eye co-ordination there is a certain level of natural talent involved, If I ever play now I'm rubbish for the first hour or two then once I stop overthinking (usually after a few pints) I start knocking them in again, darts / snooker is all about your action so once you get that going again it all comes back!
Quality mate, would take me forever to get anything like that these days!