Steffen Freund
That is US foreign and domestic policy. Probably in the constitution sonewsome. The 666 amendment.This fire is out of control, lets put it out with gasoline.
Instead of arming teachers, just arm all the kids.
That is US foreign and domestic policy. Probably in the constitution sonewsome. The 666 amendment.This fire is out of control, lets put it out with gasoline.
In Florida they have now declared pornography a "health risk", while a motion to ban assault rifles was voted down.
was it not just a motion to discuss a ban on assault rifles
With Douglas students in the gallery Tuesday, the Florida House voted down a motion to take up a ban on assault weapons such as the AR-15 used by Nikolas Cruz when he killed 17 people at the school on Valentine's Day.
The final motion vote was 36-71.
Democratic Rep. Kionne McGhee asked for a procedural move that would have allowed it to consider the bill to ban assault rifles and large capacity magazines. The bill had been assigned to three committees but was not scheduled for a hearing. The committees won't meet again before the legislative session ends March 9.
McGhee said that means the bill would be dead unless the House voted to remove it from the committees and let it be considered by the full House.
That's the only exercise those fat fudgers get!In Florida they have now declared pornography a "health risk", while a motion to ban assault rifles was voted down.
In a harrowing op-ed piece for the Florida Sun-Sentinel, Howard S. Krooks, father to ninth-grader Noah, recounted the Parkland shooting from his end, describing what it was like to be sitting at his desk at work and then receiving the message that every parent dreads with all their heart:
“Dad, I think there is a shooter at the school I’m in.” “I think it’s real.”
“How do you know it’s real?” I ask, not knowing whether now is really the time for discerning inquiry with my 15-year-old. Do I just accept this information as true and react? I figure I’ll wait — let’s see what he says.
“I hear gunshots, right outside my classroom.”
How could anyone argue with that? I begin breathing deeply just to maintain some composure. What do I say?
“R u safe?” Wow. That’s really stupid. Of course he’s not safe. He’s in a school with a mentally ill person running through the halls shooting everything and everyone in sight.
“There was gunshots and there r sirens and we hear police in the classrooms.”
“R u safe,” I say again, desperately needing to know if he is safe, or as safe as can be, as events are unfolding.
“I’m in classroom.” “Police are here.”
“Is your teacher there?”
“Yea.” Thank GHod for that, I think to myself.
“Is there a cop in the room?”
“In the school trynna to find the guy.”
“R u underneath a desk?”
“Yea.” “They’re fighting him now I think.”
What is a parent supposed to say and do in this situation? What kind of world do we live in where Americans are put in a position where they have to give their school children tactical strategic advice for surviving a mass shooting?
How’s this for some fatherly advice: “Stay low to the ground, cover your head with a thick textbook, and if anyone with a gun passes by you, do not breathe or move and make it appear like u r dead already.” “Do not breathe or move.” What? Did I just write that to my son?
My wife, Robin, had a similar exchange with Noah during the shooting spree. Her motherly advice: “Stay under the desk, away from floors and windows and do exactly what your teacher tells you to.”
The washington press is vehemently anti-Trump but this text conversation between a kid and his folks at the Florida shooting gave me chills.
Dinesh D'Souza has a face I'd like to punch. That's only partly because of his actual face, mostly it's because of the idiotic stuff that comes out of his mouth.
Some might say "a brick hole country".The same people who are saying that the kids are not mature enough to voice their opinion on gun control say they are mature enough to buy an assault rifle. fudging absurd country.