Personally I'm not really a fan of apps and that's why I chose the OS that you need to use them the least because everything is baked into the main OS. Thats why I like Windows as I can just have a live tile pushing me the info - e.g. I have one for the Jubilee line as thats the line I live on so as soon as the status changes on it my tile refreshes and I know it's down etc. Just one useful way of getting info. Opening an app, looking at a certain part of it then closing down, opening another one etc is just too slow and cumbersome really. The Windows idea of pinning certain parts of an app or albums in music etc to the home screen works really well.
It probably doesn't have as much functionality as Android though but I'm not really too fussed about some of the more advanced stuff - as I see things it's a phone I want to do quickly to get the info/do tasks I need - not something I want to spend hours playing with every day.
It probably doesn't have as much functionality as Android though but I'm not really too fussed about some of the more advanced stuff - as I see things it's a phone I want to do quickly to get the info/do tasks I need - not something I want to spend hours playing with every day.