Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
forget 4th, if he does that then he;s matched harry...thats not even what i'm talking about. i rate 4th, others dont otherwise they wouldnt use losing third as a reason to get rid of harry
yes i understand that many factors go into a managers finishing position. yet that never stopped the good managers making the players get to the level that they should have been getting.
the whole argument for Harry was that he reached a celing (something i agree with but i never really know what ceiling it was cause he didnt get financial backing) ,
further more people BLAME harry for not finishing 3rd...
Also people felt that Harry should leave cause he didnt get the most out of THIS current squad of players
for someone new to come in and be excused of ALL the above when harry was not i think is cold blooded murder. it just is not fair. People say that Harry got to where he was because of the squad he had and because he had good man management skills. Why should we let the new guy off the hook in his first full season when Harry wasnt even praised for his initial work or his first full season?
of we finish one point behind 5th? no problem....if we are clearly not in the top four mix and hovering in and out of the next tier..i.e 8th to 6th (or even 5th depending on the spread) then someone needs to answer for that, especially seeing as Harry needed to answer for alot the year we finished 5th!!! We finished FIFTH and people were still dumping on harry redknapp. yet some new unproven guy comes in and those same people wont give him the same courtesy or judge him on the same bar?
sounds like a lynching to me. you know the thing people do when they dont have anything tangible or enough to go on in court but demand execution anyway.
if we finish 7th? AVB has fudged up i think...if we finished 6th and there is a clear seperation in quality, results and performances between us and the top 5? he has fudged up. our squad with alittle bit of tinkering was good enough for 4th and MINIMUM was good enough to challenge for 4th year on year. If we suddenly drop to the lower tier where it looks like we dont have a shot at 4th? pre-jol days..., AVB has fudged up.
Normally i would be like "give this guy time"....but looking back on the treatment harry got from certain corners i wont let this guy slide with a blanket statement..."oh he is new, and so many different things can happen to affect things".......no one gave that to Harry did they? and he finished 4th and STILL got it in the neck.
Great post!