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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

i know what you mean, you should hear what people have to say about the guy that got us 4th twice, Cl quater finals, defensive records, partial title contention and the most points we have ever amassed in the premier league.

i feel your pain bro;)


i feel there were genuine reasons for people to be critical of certain aspects of the last regime after 3 years :-"

i don't mind people being critical, but when some posters seems to post 90% negative comments re the new manager then it wreaks of bitterness
If being sacked by Chelsea is a failure, i'd like to know how many you can name who weren't failures?

not many...jose and gus hiddink were successes .....most of the rest accodring to your criteria were failures

by the way its not about being sacked....so that criteria there is yours, not mine. failure in AVB's situation there is making a right hash of near enough everything and then getting sacked.

i dont understand how people can say he wasnt a failure there. does that mean that he is brick and a failure now? no

i feel there were genuine reasons for people to be critical of certain aspects of the last regime after 3 years :-"

i don't mind people being critical, but when some posters seems to post 90% negative comments re the new manager then it wreaks of bitterness

fair enough..that much is true.....

and you'll be surprised to hear but i agree with the line before that too. oh yes..i do.

however the second people start saying stuff like...tactically clueless, making bale come off the touchline, bad squad rotation, bad purhcases...etc....i'm pretty sure i'll get defensive on harry's behalf
5th in the table when he was sacked with a better PPG then DM managed, you believe that a club which sacks manager on the whims on a chairman can be taken as a failure.


I'm not declaring he was a success, however i wouldn't say he was a failure. To have failed he'd have to have been allowed to carry the job to term.

If you start an experiment, and you end it halfway through, then you have no idea what the end result would have been.
5th in the table when he was sacked with a better PPG then DM managed, you believe that a club which sacks manager on the whims on a chairman can be taken as a failure.

wasnt 5th ...though i am not sure what it was...i think it was between 6th and 8th....., bad run of games, getting rinsed in Champions league, tactics were wrong for the personel, bad man management (or incapable of handling his own players), back room mutiny....team confidence down....then sacked.


I'm not declaring he was a success, however i wouldn't say he was a failure. To have failed he'd have to have been allowed to carry the job to term.

If you start an experiment, and you end it halfway through, then you have no idea what the end result would have been.

ah i see, your talking about time to turn things around.

thats fair enough.....if time is the key gripe..then he didnt fail. however in his time that he was there..he failed.
wasnt 5th ...though i am not sure what it was...i think it was between 6th and 8th....., bad run of games, getting rinsed in Champions league, tactics were wrong for the personel, bad man management (or incapable of handling his own players), back room mutiny....team confidence down....then sacked.


Exactly. Sorry AS ill leave you to answer to some of these 'experts' on your own I can't argue with anyone who doesn't think he failed big time at CFC.
wasnt 5th ...though i am not sure what it was...i think it was between 6th and 8th....., bad run of games, getting rinsed in Champions league, tactics were wrong for the personel, bad man management (or incapable of handling his own players), back room mutiny....team confidence down....then sacked.


3rd March

Chelsea's position not good enough - Andre Villas-Boas

Chelsea manager Andre Villas-Boas has said his side's current position of fifth in the Premier League is not good enough and "piles pressure" on him.


4th March

Villas-Boas sacked by Chelsea as Roman swings the axe after West Brom woe


So yes, they were fifth.

Getting rinsed in the CL? It's not exactly an easy competition. They went into the last match needing a win to qualify. After spending like 80m they failed to qualify this season as well. City got rinsed two years running.

Back room mutiny? It takes a certain kind of back room to mutiny.
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wasnt 5th ...though i am not sure what it was...i think it was between 6th and 8th....., bad run of games, getting rinsed in Champions league, tactics were wrong for the personel, bad man management (or incapable of handling his own players), back room mutiny....team confidence down....then sacked.


I am sure it was 5th, still in the champs lge, was the mutinty in the changing room really there ( after all there was a lot of fans and media saying the same about our dressing room and that was a load of flimflam as well) if you consider him a failure fine but that means all Chelski managers have been then.
parklane and spursalot..i stand corrected...they were indeed 5th. just had a look.

i dont know why 6th was so strong in my memory
I am sure it was 5th, still in the champs lge, was the mutinty in the changing room really there ( after all there was a lot of fans and media saying the same about our dressing room and that was a load of flimflam as well) if you consider him a failure fine but that means all Chelski managers have been then.

it was there, guaranteed. first hand info for me. and you'd find the evidence to support that it was there more than those that says it wasnt if you go by the media

i wouldnt call jose a failure there btw...nor gus. i am sure you would agree with jose that he was a success. even ranieri. i am pretty sure anyone with a view to objectivity could see that the results were going in the wrong direction for the clubs objectives. they were still in CL but they would have been gone....players didnt look like they wanted to play for him. but thats more speculation than anything else..not factual

but anyway..really got to learn how to quit this. i'm off
it was there, guaranteed. first hand info for me. and you'd find the evidence to support that it was there more than those that says it wasnt if you go by the media

i wouldnt call jose a failure there btw...nor gus. i am sure you would agree with jose that he was a success. even ranieri

but anyway..really got to learn how to quit this. i'm off

There was no mutinty in our dressing room, the only ones who said there was were Redknapps pals in the press, and fans who arse kissed Redknapp.

i feel there were genuine reasons for people to be critical of certain aspects of the last regime after 3 years :-"

i don't mind people being critical, but when some posters seems to post 90% negative comments re the new manager then it wreaks of bitterness

Wait..so you don't think our home performances for the most part this season which has seen us struggle to Stoke, WBA, Norwich and Wigan is a genuine reason to be critical?

Never claimed to be an expert but I know what I'm talking about yeah. Not saying you don't btw but AVB flopped massively at CFC. Lol I can't believe this is being debated. If he wasn't our boss people wouldn't even be entertaining this. I'm out.