Jimmy Cantrell
Yup, slightly concerning how to persuade the millions of QANON acolytes that Trump isn’t actually the messiah as he’ll no doubt continue to sow discontent until he croaks.From the comments
Yup, slightly concerning how to persuade the millions of QANON acolytes that Trump isn’t actually the messiah as he’ll no doubt continue to sow discontent until he croaks.From the comments
Hahahhah! Never noticed that before! Now I can't unsee it!That Texas GOP logo looks likes a gorilla getting a blowjob from a baby elephant which is being ridden by a sloth.
If only he would... looks like Trump will need another fundraiser to get his acolytes to pay Giuliani’s fees for the next round of frivolous lawsuits.Good riddance. fudge off.
Yup, just seen that too. Whilst the majority of the 74 million people who voted for Trump are probably intelligent enough to realise what he’s doing there’s clearly a lot of QANON types who will lap up every lie he tells them.
Around 50% of them according to some polls I've seen.Yup, just seen that too. Whilst the majority of the 74 million people who voted for Trump are probably intelligent enough to realise what he’s doing there’s clearly a lot of QANON types who will lap up every lie he tells them.
Antifa infiltrators