awesome dawson
Chris Armstrong
Doesn't take long for the far right to come out the woodwork, just because some Norwegian facist gave this Trump 'Nobel Peace Prize' story oxygen.
Doesn't take long for the far right to come out the woodwork, just because some Norwegian facist gave this Trump 'Nobel Peace Prize' story oxygen.
Honestly thought it was a joke when someone said he was up for it.
Are they any less justified than Obama's nomination?I could nominate you for a nobel peace prize, doesn't mean much.
Doesn't stop some idiots labelling this nazi’s thoughts as news or even in some cases, justified.
Of course he does nothing for peace, neither did Obama.Of course any peace nomination for an absolute grade 1 piece of turd like trump is less justified. He actively encourages violence on a daily basis.
Do you believe trump gives even the slightest fcuk about Israelis? His weasel-faced son in law might think he’s doing his relatives a favour but convincing a few money hungry middle eastern countries like Bahrain to recognise Israel really isn't going to lead to peace in the Middle East.
Obama deserves far greater than a nobel peace prize for his leadership, humanity, intellectual compassion, morality and charisma. I for one can’t think of a better US president in my lifetime. Trump on the other hand who you seem to think deserves a knighthood for efforts on behalf of the KKK, can kiss my arse.
Sorry to butt in, but if you’re reading about the Troubles I can’t recommend highly enough Patrick Radden Keefe’s ‘Say Nothing’. I grew up in N Ireland in the 70s and 80s. For me, it’s a very balanced account told from a number of perspectives of those on different sides of the conflict. I read it last Christmas and couldn’t put it down.
If you’ve got any good recommendations for reads on the same topic it would be great to hear them.
I bought this book from your recommendation, and finally got the time to read it this weekend.
Like you, I couldn't put it down. For a foreigner who only knew the very basics of what's been going on in Northern Ireland, this was a brilliant read, both fascinating and terrifying.
For me it was a great insight into the different fractions and people in the conflict, what happened and to an extent why it happened. It also seemed quite balanced to me, especially in the thorough descriptions of the main characters.
Gerry Adams of course didn't come out of it looking too good, but the book leaves you reluctantly wondering whether the human sacrifices that were made (that he made?), was worth it in the end. I don't have an answer, of course.
But it was a great read, very well written and researched. I can definitely also recommend it.
He was a way better president than any of the others I've seen in my lifetime but I don't think you should receive a nobel peace prize when you carry out an illegal drone program which killed hundreds and potentially thousands of innocent civilians and used offical secrets act to remove any form of oversight.
Seems the ex-secretary also suggesting it didn't have the intended effect and Obama himself can't have felt he earnt it if he wanted to skip the ceremony -
In fact reading up it seems he'd been president for 12 days before being nominated, I'm not sure what you can do in 12 days to deserve a Nobel peace prize.
His drone acquiescence was a dark, dark spot on his otherwise strong Presidency for sure. I have often wondered if that was the price he had to pay for Obamacare getting anywhere (not that he paid it of course, that would be innocent civilians)?
Overall, the Nobel Prize has somewhat become like American Music Awards.
Drones are much better than sending real people in - at least until the world catches up with the idea of sending gingers to fight for us.I don’t deny the loss of civilians in drone strikes is a huge negative with their use but in all honesty, using ground troops often leads to accidents too. What did Obama do that was so blatantly wrong? Drones are the natural evolution of war. Overall they’re a good development.