Steed Malbranque
It is interesting your post.
If you had believed the popular media and oh so right on celebrities then corbyn would have walked the last election because brexit was such a stupid idea. But Johnson won and won big by doubling down on his commitment to it.
I know nothing really of American politics, im just an outsider looking in.
I maintain my absolute disgust in Trump. How and i have seen with my own eyes him take the tinkle out of the disabled of which i will become.
His language towards gay and minority groups is not what i expect from a president. Will be interested to see if what you say comes true.
Thanks for the reply.
Trump is and can be a bit of dingdong but he's also up against people who are also dingdongs.. His economy during the three years prior to Covid would've seen him walk the November election..He's not against the minorities like he's portrayed..
On UK elections..IMO...Corbyn lost the election because he ran on an anti white man British campaign, he couldn't make a speech without mentioning BAME communities and minority rights and that the English are racists by implication... He also annoyed many in the Establishment with his pro Palestine, anti Israel stance.
Johnson, like Corbyn is an open border globalist but he ran with a fraudulent, pro white British, tough on immigration blah blah campaign..
Corbyn with his diversity crowd

Johnson with his best buddy Rothy.