Justin Edinburgh
I'm not sure I understand the reasoning. If Russia is massively weakened, then how is a threat to all of Europe?
There's a lot of propaganda on both sides of this war, but Russia is definitely winning a war of attrition here. What makes you think they are on the brink of collapse? If anything, the more neutral observers I've read suggest it's Ukraine who are hanging by a thread. Then again, the number of casualties alone is the subject of an intense information war, ranging from 200,000 to 1,000,000+ depending on who you're listening to.
As for Putin's intentions... who knows? My guess is that it's a mix of political and strategical agendas. Judging by past aggressions, he seems to focus his attention on territories with a lot/majority of Russian-speaking people. So, yes, the Baltic States are understandably worried. Then again, some of their legislations on citizenship make them obvious targets.
My take on it is that over the past 50 years or so, no country in the world managed to occupy a foreign territory for very long. It took Russia three years to push the border 300km to the West. I really can't see them occupying the whole of Ukraine, let alone Eastern Europe.
I respect your idealism but I believe it needs to be tempered by two considerations. Firstly, Ukraine isn't the only country in the world who's suffering from a neighboring aggression. The DRC is in a terrible state, for instance, but very few people seem to care about it. Secondly - and perhaps more importantly -, even if you were correct on everything, Russia is a nuclear power. You can't make it 'collapse' and even if you could, it would be an incredibly dangerous and irresponsible move.
You only have to look as far as what Hitler did with the Berlin underground to realise that, when their backs are against the wall, people sometimes take drastic decisions. Yes, it sucks to be Ukrainian in 2025 but it sucked to be Vietnamese in the 70s too. Again, sorry if that sounds cold but a) I didn't mean to get involved in the conversation and b) I'm not saying I'm right and everybody's wrong but I do believe we all live in different 'cultural baths' and I just meant to say that what you Anglo-Saxons consider as evidence is not necessarily seen as a such in Southern Europe, for instance.
Russia has collapsed before and it was not even that long ago.