Tony Galvin
For clear cut no doubt the person arrested is the right one like the crime committed in Southport
The death penalty should be brought back
It will cost millions to keep that rat clam safe in jail for the next however many years
He doesn't deserve that protection, he should be put to death for those horrific crimes and put to death as slowly and painfully as possible
What's the end game of the death penalty? Deterrent? In this case it would literally not move a needle. He was insane. If someone is that insane, they won't register death penalty deterrents. If you want reprisal/retribution/vengeance, then that's a personal matter. I'll settle for justice, in this case life without parole (and treatment for the mental health issues if retrievable).
Finally, your financial comment re: death penalty is not true. Again, no argument against personal choice -if that's how you feel then obviously not my business- but important to know the facts.