You see this is where you and I differ. Because I actually can not stand patriotic nonsense. Make Britain great, nah not for me. Make Britain hard working independent kind decent, those are attributes I like and admire.
I will admit the are many on my side of the debate who have views on other subjects that I wholly disagree with. I have heard some say we should not accept asylum seekers, when I feel it is important to accept people from war torn areas but think it should be done through red cross camps etc.
I have heard some say we should not accept immigrants when I feel it is good for the country that we accept them for both economic and cultural reasons, but in a controlled manner. Cant even remember the amount of people that complained to me about council houses being given out to people who just arrived in the country. I'm talking about people I used to know when I ran a logistics warehouse who were worried about their futures. People used to moan to me about a Polish guy who got child tax credits for a kid that had moved back to Poland with the mother.
The seeds of Brexit were down from 2003 onwards with Bliars decision to allow mass immigration without any thought for the consequences. Undoubtedly immigration was good for Great Britain plc, but for many they saw impacts on their lives and the worries for the future. It had nothing to do with daily mail headlines either. It was what lots of people saw everyday and they would tell their friends and families.
Big changes in countries don't come over night or even a year or two, they are years in the making. Trump coming to power was years in the making and I dont believe that many Americans were racist either.
If people want someone to blame for Brexit then they need to look at the war criminal Bliar and his aide who said they allowed mass immigration "to run the rights nose in it" well I wonder what they think to it now.
The are people like me who for long held beliefs will always vote to leave because our ideology holds the view of being part of the world system rather then a European one which was creeping ever rather into people's lives(notably since our vote to leave a few in the upper echelons of the EUhave said they should reign back)
Had the EU remained purely a trading block I could vote to be a part of it, I feel very uncomfortable about ever closer union though. As part of the society that voted to leave I appreciate I am in a small minority who does not care about immigration and had Bliar not given us that gift we would not have won. I was first attracted to the movement by sir Jimmy Goldsmith and have stayed ever since.
You want to blame someone go for Bliar not Farage or Cameron.
Sorry for the long post but worth reading if any of you guys want a view from the other side