awesome dawson
Chris Armstrong
So it's his fault he gets pulled over? Should he also put on white face when he gets in a first class train carriage so he isn't hassled about being there?
HA, calm down. This is what's wrong with the internet. I say something which is far from racist and all of a sudden you're off and running with ridiculous tangents.
Famous people use tinted windows to avoid the public eye. If Rose is sick of the police pulling him over its a justifiable response. Make it impossible for the police to see him. If you want get all KKK or BLM about this can I suggest moving this to another thread. I couldn't give a fcuk if Rose or Ben Davies gets hassled by the police to be honest. If I had a Ferrari I'd expect it too. Rose complains too much about every aspect of being a footballer. I'm tired of hearing about it.