mick cooper
Neil Sullivan
Mr. Cooper, I have clearly upset you and for that I am not sorry.
To debate an issue such as this on a public forum takes a level head, a grasp of the facts, and a willingness to appreciate views other than your own.
I stand by my views. Unlike you, I will also not let this get personal and resort to insults.
Whilst you may feel you can intimidate and belittle others from behind your keyboard; I am not one of them.
To quote you:
The incident, if it has been accurately reported is a sad indictment of the muddled thinking of chumps like you, who seem to forget what the security staff at airports are trying to do - and trying to prevent. Creating a culture of being too afraid to comment is hardly a shining example of diversity training doing its job, is it?
No, the incident has been reported to sell a newspaper. The incident is totally one sided as such we only have Fireman Sams word as to what actually happened. And you, like all the other mischief-makers chose to take that as gospel.
He has claimed to have said “If I was wearing this scarf over my face I wonder what would happen?”
Really? Why would you wear a scarf over you face? It is not a symbol of his culture or religious belief. What a stupid comment. What is it, if it’s not to provoke a reaction?
Why does Sam feel the need to single her out. A proud Muslum woman minding her own business passing through security. Is it to let off some steam perhaps, because the world is changing. It is no longer ruled by the British Empire and we are no longer living in the dark ages.
Now for a lesson in diversity – which you so openly detest.
If she was wearing the Hijab, her face would have been there for all to see. However the inaccurate and misleading report to which you base your crusade on makes the mistake of claiming she was wearing a hijab ‘without showing her face’.
This sounds more like a Niqab. But then you’d know that had you been given some diversity training by those you refer to as ‘gormless chumps’.
If I were to be constructive about your post, from it’s tone, you appear nothing more than a firebrand. A politically incorrect attention seeker who’s clearly after some kind of cult following on a message board.
so calling me an attention seeking firebrand who is politically incorrect - is your way of not insulting me?
I wasn't insulting you per se, just people who look for offence at every turn, and who think that giving some patronising diversity speech will cure me of my cancer.
People like you (as this is how you appear from your posts) would rather get murdered, than train security staff to do the job they are employed to do, as you would happily see them act as diversity police, when someone (clearly a racist diniosaur from a misbegotten age) actually asks a relevant question.
There is a word for people who think like that - and its a very rude word.
I'm happy to live my life my way - and I would do everything in my power to protect it from people who think like you.